Help! I froze bananas!

I froze bananas for some nice, healthy smoothies except I forgot that I was suppose to PEEL THE BANANA first before freezing it!

Any ideas on how to get the peeling off a frozen solid banana?! I'm SO weird.


  • sandyfeet10
    sandyfeet10 Posts: 280 Member
    LOL!!! Can you let it defrost like 20 min. and then peel enough off to get the "meat" out? :happy:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I did that too before I made my "ice cream." Like pp said, let them thaw and you will be able to peel them.
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    Oh no! I have never thought to freeze one......might have to try that..:drinker:

    Also congrats on making it a year since you smoked! I hit my year mark 4/30/11!! What a great feeling!!!
  • valerieschram
    valerieschram Posts: 97 Member
    You can slice the skin off with a paring knife.
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member
    Frozen banana slices are yummy - I always slice them into a bowl of lemon or pineapple juice to keep them from turning brown, before putting them in the freezer.
    If you use a Saran wrapped cookie sheet, it's easy to transfer the frozen slices into a freezer safe zippy bag!

    Frozen seedless grapes are awesome too :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    dunk it into warm water for just a few minutes. The skin will slide right off.