I lost 35lbs last year. It was great! The new year hit, and I had hit my goal weight. Since then, I have put 5-10lbs back on. My body keeps fluctuating between 140 and 145. I know I am not as strict on my diet as I was, but my physical activity has also increased, and I feel hungry all the time. I really enjoy how I look now, and I love showing it off, but I would really LOVE to get back to my goal weight of 135 before before I start wearing that bikini! SO FRUSTRATING!


  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I hate plateaus too! I have been losing and gaining teh same 4 lbs for about a month now. But like has gotten crazy so i partially blame beign between 2 houses.

    best of luck to you. remember to eat back exercise cals for energy if you are hungry. Fiber now bars are my favorite stay full food.
  • laurjay20
    laurjay20 Posts: 7
    I know EXACTLY how you feel! Plateaus make it seem like no matter what, you're stuck. In order to counteract the frustration, I stop weighing myself for a little while (only a week or so) just to make sure I won't obsess.
  • Magwoman0220
    Magwoman0220 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't know if I could stop weighing myself. I am working out more trying to make a calorie deficit, but I just stay hungry, then I eat junk! I just need to grow a backbone and make sure my indulgences are healthy. Summer is always so hectic. So many dinners, BBQ's, and trips, how are we supposed to stay on track?