Who am I? Who are you?



  • CapnWain
    CapnWain Posts: 10
    1. I'm turning the big Five 0... though I can pass for 40
    2. married for over 20 years... she's a keeper (or maybe I'm the keeper)
    3. Live in NC - I have an office job which hurts keeping in shape
    4. taking health more serious so I'm watching my diet and exercising again
    5. I like music and keep up with the local music scene. wish I could play but I have no talent
    6. I was a pirate (or maybe Wyatt Earp) in a previous life :)
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm Heather
    1. I'm 50, married for 30 years and have 4 'children' two married, one engaged and one dating. I love them all heaps!!!:heart:
    2. We live in Sydney:glasses:
    3. I'm losing weight to keep healthy and watching my cholesterol, heart and joints (ahh.. the joys of being 50!!) My treadmill is my friend..my treadmill is my friend...:noway:
    4. I'm a born again Christian of the reformed Calvinist approach:smile:
    5. I dislike bullies.:explode:
    6. I like my dog and chooks (hens):love:
    7. I'm in the process of decluttering my life (hence getting healthy and fit) and my home:sad:
    8. I'm a happy person (mostly):blushing:
    9. I love food and cooking (why it is so hard to keep weight off):yawn:
    10. I love lists.....so better stop now lol:laugh:
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    1. I'm turning the big Five 0... though I can pass for 40
    2. married for over 20 years... she's a keeper (or maybe I'm the keeper)
    3. Live in NC - I have an office job which hurts keeping in shape
    4. taking health more serious so I'm watching my diet and exercising again
    5. I like music and keep up with the local music scene. wish I could play but I have no talent
    6. I was a pirate (or maybe Wyatt Earp) in a previous life :)
    Are you sure you can pass for 40??? lol
    Well done you!!
  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member
    1. I'm 34
    2. I live in DeKalb, Illinois (a hour from Chicago)
    3. I am in my senior year as an honors Biochemistry/Premed major at NIU, planning on going to medical school. (Take MCAT next month, been studying for a month - pulling hair out).
    4. Currently in a relationship, my other half is in Taiwan right now. He is a Ph.D. student.
    5. I volunteer at the local hospital.
    6. I am a natural born vegetarian - as I don't like the taste of meat (except sushi, or if it is mixed up in something like spaghetti and I can't taste it).
  • Cynthiafaron
    Cynthiafaron Posts: 114 Member
    are U going to be a teacher ? You'll be an effective one because look how many people followed your instruction :)
  • ymusic7
    ymusic7 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys,
    Im also new to this site (have a couple of days in it)
    1. im 23
    2. I want to finally feel comfortable inside my own skin
    3. I wish i was in a rock band
    4. I love to play sports (even-though im not so good at it)
    5. music is my partner in almost everything i do lol
    6. Love to meet new people to continue to motivate each other for better health and fitness :)
  • KassiV
    KassiV Posts: 28
    1. I'm 23 years old.
    2. I just moved to California from South Dakota last August and LOVE IT!
    3. I have a basset named Carlin, and two cats, Jose and Bosco.
    4. I'm a nursing student, wanting to specialize in hospice care.
    5. My boyfriend is a photographer and we have been together for almost six years.
    6. I work as a contractor for the air force.
    7. I'm a vegetarian.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    1. I am 24 years old, 25 in September.
    2. I am a vegetarian. I eat eggs sometimes and other dairy products but I do not eat red or white meat.
    3. I moved in with my boyfriend Mark in May of 2010, we have been together for 5 years this coming June (next month).
    4. I am here to lose approximately 20-25 lbs and live a healthier, happier life.
    5. I have one cat named Stripes and a turtle named Michaelangelo, and at my parents house have a dog named Dakota and a cat named Boots.
    6. I have a younger brother, Michael, who is expecting his first child this coming November. I will be an auntie for the first time! :)
  • tobias001
    tobias001 Posts: 4
    Hey All,

    1. I am 24
    2. I am at Uni, studying Marketing at QUT in Brisbane, Australia
    3. I just want to be comfortable, fit and healthy.
    4. Obsessed with music and TV shows
    5. Love getting out and skateboarding with friends
    6. Single and happy. Not look, letting love find me......

    Thanks and feel free to chat or add me

  • whateverdamnit
    1- I'm Greek

    2- I'm 26, 27 in October (Scorpio)

    3- I live in New Zealand

    4- I love rock and jazz

    5- Online shopping is my favourite thing, ever

    6- My favourite foods are Chinese and Mexican

    Anyone, feel free to add me. :)