drinking to much



  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    I have recently found a new love in Diet Tonic water. I love the bitter taste and it tastes less like diet to me because the bitter covers it up. It's also not so sweet, and if you squeeze half a lime into a big glass, you can almost pretend you have an "adult beverage" :-)

    I also like to mix juice with water. This still has calories but no artificial sweetener. For apple juice and (good) cranberry juice, I can get away with a 4:1 mix which brings the calories for a cut down to 30 calories. You can use plain water or if you use sparkling water or even better, sparkling lemon or lime water (like Le Croix) you are just a small step away from soda/pop but without the calories from regular or the artificial ingredients from diet.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    I think everyone here has given you great advice. Personally, used to hate drinking plain water. However, once I made the decision to get healthy and lose weight, I began forcing myself to drink water. I even cut out my morning coffee. My daily goal is to drink at least 6 cups of water while at work. If I feel I need some caffeine, I have a cup of coffee in the mornings, or if I want some flavor I add some crystal light to my bottle of water. However, I have gotten so used to water that I now crave it. I have a bottle sitting here in my desk that I added Crystal Light to, and I haven't touched it in a few days (probably time to toss it). It's just too sweet for me now.

    If you're feeling bloated, then maybe you should look at what you ate for the day. I have felt like that a few times, however it was what I chose to eat for lunch that day, and not necessarily my water consumption.

    Good luck!