Need Suggestions???

ok, fitness pal friends, I have a few health problems that are hindering my weight loss progress. These problems have been manifesting themselves for the past 4-6 months, but I just tried to ignore the pain. I have a heel spur on my left heel - very painful. Also I have bursitis which is very swollen on both legs below my knees. MY left leg is swollen all the way down. Also have a pinched nerve in my right hand and tendonitis on my left. I'm supposed to wear braces on both hands as close to 24 hrs a day as possible. Also have to wear special tennis shoes with gel inserts. Makes for pretty crummy exercising - like NONE. Went to the orthopedic surgeon and I'm now having physical therapy for 6-8 weeks. And I'm VERY HAPPY about this. At least I can move a little!! Mainly doing stretching exercises in PT. And the physical therapist does deep massaging and manipulating my foot. Then a tens unit, then ice - both legs, my foot, one hand. Asked about riding a stationary bike and my therapist said after a couple of weeks, they would try me on the bike for 5 minutes, then increase after a week. So, it's been the pits not being able to take my morning walks, bike ride OR anything else! (and I don't like swimming.) I know I need the cardio and was really looking forward to starting tae bo. I feel awful and feel like a real loser (kind of). The good news is that there is nothing terribly medically wrong and it's all fixable with time. I was so scared I had rheumatoid arthritis with all the swelling. But the swelling is BELOW my knee. So, I'm counting myself really lucky!! To be honest, I've been off my diet - still watching what I'm eating, but I haven't been on this website for awhile. Now you know why. With all the pain I've had, it's just too easy to think, "I deserve an ice cream cone or brownie or whatever." I'm trying to be good though. I will try to get back in the habit of logging in every day with my food count. Any bright ideas? Also, I think I need a litle sympathy!!


  • BeachLife76
    BeachLife76 Posts: 78 Member
    I know what it feels like to be in pain and have stuff keep you from your goal. I have Polycystic Kidney Disease and arthritis in my lower back and knees and I'm only 34. Some days it's all I can do to get up and walk. You have to push forward sometimes, no matter what. Pain is just weakness leaving the body! That's what I tell myself lol. I know it sounds crazy but just lay down on your floor or even on your bed and do leg lifts. Anything is better than nothing! I don't know you, but I'm proud of you for getting back on this site and trying again! And FYI, you can have ice cream! Just get something low fat and low cal. But make sure to read labels. A lot of low fat items are loaded with sugar :). I hope this helps and if you want another friend, feel free to add me!