Heart rate monitor calorie question

dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
my question that I have not gotten an answer to yet is to when to record my calories burned?

Let's just say my preworkout heart rate is 70 and during my workout it goes up to 170. By the time I complete my cool down my heart rate will drop to like between 120 and 110? Do I wait until my heart rate returns to preworkout rate or right after I get done with my workout?


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I start timing when I begin my workout and stop the moment I am finished with my cool down. I'm not saying that is the absolute right way, but it's the way I do it and it's working great for me.
  • lrnlvr
    lrnlvr Posts: 11 Member
    this is a great question and ill give my 2 cents. I recently found some reading online that stated that swimming was not the best workout for weight loss due to the water cooling your body versus your body doing the work. Ive read your in a cool down phases after a work out and can burn calories for hours depending how vigorous your heart rate was. lets face it if your hearts beating faster, you are burning calories. I would record the calories shown once your heart rate returned to normal. I have yet to get a monitor with the calorie feature so i have been using an even more inaccurate way and recording times and inputting it into MFP. Is it accurate probably not as much, but it has been working so far lol. good luck ! i hope you get some more solid info on the matter.
  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    I'm with Angela4Health. I start right when I'm beginning the exercises and stop it the moment I'm done.
  • Hanzo44
    Hanzo44 Posts: 23 Member
    aren't the two things separate categories? I mean they are related but one is heart rate the other is cals burnt. On my HRM/cals burnt watch it tells me my cals burnt at the end and while I work out. I only check my hear rate to know if I'm in my correct zone or not...I guess I don't understand the question...