So Mad at Myself... Stupid Cookies.

humanskin Posts: 42
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
Lately I've been so stressed out from work and life and losing weight and trying to get everything done so i have time to exercise and then trying to get even more stuff done so i can cook a decent meal before my energy level is shot... etc etc... and the pounds have been creeping back on.

And my husband who's like totally skin-and-bones skinny can sit and drink beers all night and eat and eat and eat and all he ever does is lose weight. Cooking for both of us is a nightmare because he wants heavy meals and cheeses and wine and butter and all that stuff and I feel like all I can have without regretting it is a dry head of lettuce and dust. Everything I put in my mouth is guilt guilt guilt. It's just not fair.

PLUS we've had these double chocolate chip cookies in my house for 3 days and I've been good... I've occasionally smelled them but that's it. Though, when I weighed myself this morning I was so frustrated that all my efforts in the last 2 months have nearly completely slipped away. I've only lost 10lb--which is in itself frustrating--but I gained 6 of them back in the last week and a half!

I caved... I ate 3 cookies at 300 calories each and I didn't even enjoy them. I'm so mad. =(

end rant.


  • ohthatmomma
    ohthatmomma Posts: 115
    Don't be angry! Trust me, it can get the best of you. You can have a treat from time to time. Not a big deal, just march in place while watching your favorite tv show.... half of those calories are sure to be gone :-)
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    tell your hubby if he does not eat the cookies your gonna Windex them or have him put them else where
  • teetees40
    teetees40 Posts: 30
    tell your hubby if he does not eat the cookies your gonna Windex them or have him put them else where

    that made me LOL! What a great idea! :wink: In all seriousness, put yourself on the list. You matter. Make yourself count. Start over...move on and forgive yourself! (((HUGS)))
  • I totally understand the frustration!! I went on vacation last week and gained back a few pounds i lost as well! I've lost about 9 lbs since I joined about a month and a half ago! Don't give up, just start fresh tomorrow!!!
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Don't feel bad...and just because your husband eats what he wants and stays skinny does not mean he is healthy. He can have all kinds of problems even if he is thin. My one friends husband has all kinds of issues and he's a rail, but it's because he eats crap. So don't let that get you down.
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    My last 2 boyfriends have been super skinny and they both whined to me that they wanted to put on some weight while I'm sitting there talking about trying to lose some! Ugh, so frustrating!!

    It's a good thing that the cookies weren't worth the calories, maybe next time it will keep you from wanting to eat them even more!
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    Do your food diary, you are probably beating yourself up for nothing. Know the calories and have a treat now and then. When you have that need for something chocolate you may be satisfied with a "no fat" hot chocolate drink, store brand or reg brand. A ten pound loss in two months is really lots of weight (5 pounds a month = 60 pounds in a year) not that is anything you need to do.
    Do one thing at a time, focus on that, and just maybe life will be simplier. Good luck, FG
  • humanskin
    humanskin Posts: 42
    tell your hubby if he does not eat the cookies your gonna Windex them or have him put them else where

    haha. i did. he got home from work and i handled him a glass of milk and the rest of the cookies and told him to enjoy his dinner. (unfortunately, he polished them off then followed it with a completely separate and even heavier in calories meal.)

    I just hate it when life runs me over and then I start lashing out with things I know aren't good for me. The cookies definitely weren't worth it... hopefully you guys are right and next time I won't slip because I'll know better.

    Thanks guys! =)
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I ate cookie dough tonight. While making cookies. To send overseas. I ate cookies that were meant for soldiers. Calories and taking cookies from military. I'm an AWESOME person.

    Tell your hubby that he needs to consider YOU and what YOU want as well. Relationships are not one-way streets. And if YOU do the grocery shopping, then babygirl, you better be buying what YOU want. And if he's not happy with the meals that YOU prepare for HIM...uhhhh, then tell him to put on his big girl panties and make himself a peanut butter and jelly. He should respect you and your goals.

    And as for those 300 calorie cookies...those days happen. Sometimes they're cookie days. Other times they are TGI Fridays Crispy Green Beans and a margarita days (that's me, lol). Bad days happen. But when you eat under a restriction, then have a "bad" day...those days usually end up being about 2000 calories...which is a "maintenance" day...not a "morbidly obese" day.

    Chin up, babygirl. You got this.
  • whitpsyd
    whitpsyd Posts: 13
    I understand! Last week I got some pretty bad news at work and gained back two pounds I had fought so hard for. I had a night like your cookies last night when I watched my husband eat a half pint of ice cream, when that was the only thing I was craving all day. So, I walked the stairs in the house for five minutes, and burned enough to have a weight watchers ice cream bar. It was just enough to satisfy my craving. It's birthday season in this house with my son's third birthday Saturday and a request for "Elmo Cake".... so... lots of sweets with people who can metabolize it quickly.

    Hang in there... Just remember why you want to do it. It's hard when you watch them each french toast for breakfast or burgers for lunch (that you cook) and you have a salad with tuna on top when you hate fish. We're all here for you, because we understand!
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