If you workout 2x a day -- hair washing?



  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    i'd rather have clean hair/scalp than worry about damaging my hair. they make great conditioners/reparative products for that.

    Unfortunately, it's not just your hair you have to worry about. The over washing will have a more detrimental effect on your scalp. Dry, itching, red is just the start. Then people think they have dandruff and will dump Head and Shoulders or something else as causticly chemical on it to "remedy." People develop problems like eczema and psoriasis on their scalps, and it can be caused simply from over washing.

    **many factors CAN play into skin problems. It is not the ONLY way to develop those, but in my experience, after initial treatment, future outbreaks can all but be eliminated by finding the best shampoo for you and cutting back on the actual act.

    i understand this *could* happen, but odds are it won't unless you have an existing skin condition, in which case you would need to take precautions and use special products. however, washing your hair every day, or even a couple of times a day, with the correct shampoo/conditioner, will not necessarily lead to these things. proper diet & hydration help aid in healthy hair/scalp, as well.

    ps. i used to work in a salon/spa, too:)

    It doesn't matter if you have a current skin condition. Washing is drying, period. I worked in a salon and spa to. I'm also a medical esthetician and I have a pretty good education in the anatomy of the skin. Our integumentary system is designed to protect itself, thats what sebum is, a protectant. Washing it away causes the skin to produce more because it wants to be there. The only place on the body you can get away with washing twice per day is the face, and that is because products are designed specifically for twice per day cleansing. Even daily showering can be damaging. Like attracts like, so even rinsing can "pull" moisture out of the skin and leve it dry. Alot of people claim to be oily when they are actually severely dry because of what they are doing. Smelling someones head won't tell you anything. Looking under a mag lamp will show you.

    then i must be a medical anomaly because i've showered, washed my hair, body & face just about every single day (sometimes twice a day) since i was old enough to do it on my own and have had *zero* skin problems. yay for me!
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Smelling someones head won't tell you anything. Looking under a mag lamp will show you.

    it won't tell you anything other than not washing it regularly makes your head stink. that was my only point as people were saying their heads don't smell when they don't shower/wash every day.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I only wash my hair once a day in the morning. After working out, I use Tresseme (sp?) spray on hair freshener stuff and blow dry and that's it.

    Might check out the Suave dry shampoo - sounds like it might be a better alternative.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I have very fine hair and have to wash it every day. I shower in the morning (and wash my hair) and work out after work. I do work up a sweat, but I don't wash my hair again unless I am going out somewhere, which is almost never.
  • 44isthenew29
    44isthenew29 Posts: 141
    Great thread thanks for the info everyone - I'm going to cut back on hair washing between workouts and try a dry shampoo and/or hair refresher.
  • Jazzle
    Jazzle Posts: 6 Member
  • lesliefoste
    lesliefoste Posts: 137 Member
    I wash my hair pretty much every day. I have straight fine hair so after a day my scalp gets oily. I WISH I could go without washing my hair every day. But yes there are dry shampoos you get use.

    Just FYI (and I'm not trying to tell anyone how often to wash their hair, here) since I started living overseas and talking to people who aren't from the US, I've become aware that many people have to wash their hair everyday only because they wash their hair everyday. In other words, you body will adjust the amount of oil that it produces. If you wash your hair daily, you're daily washing away the natural oils that keep your scalp from getting too dry. If you ease off the shampooing, your body will adjust the amount of oil it produces. You'll look a little greasy for a week or two, but it's worth it in the long run (like most things, including dieting!). I wouldn't believe it, except I have seen it work for me (and I used to be a daily-shampooer).

    Oh, and as for the original question, put your hair in a pony tail on top of your head, in a bun, and shower. Or buy a shower cap.
  • libbyadams2010
    libbyadams2010 Posts: 29 Member
    I have to wash my hair everyday... I have very very fine hair and if I don't wash it not only will it not do anything at all I feel dirty.. Just me I know but I do wash it daily and after I work out I don't usually unless it is drenched then I wash and let dry naturally and then wash again in the morning..
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    i too, have very fine hair.
    I wash it everyday.
    I get really sweaty and it get's greasy very fast.