Insanity while sick?

Hey all :)
I've been doing insanity for a almost two weeks now.
I seem to have caught a bit of a cold. My throat is a little sore and dry, I've a stuffy nose, and I can't take deep breaths. I didn't do Cardio Power and Resistance yesterday, but yesterday I just had a stuffy nose. I feel very guilty, and I want to attempt to do it again tomorrow. I hate skipping days. I feel like a cheater!

Would it be unsafe to try to do Insanity while I'm sick? Should I just wait until I'm better and jump right back into it?
It's too late to do it today, so I'm just going to dance around my room or something light as far as exercise goes. I just feel reaaaally guilty :(


  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    its better to hold off doing insanity while sick especially since you cant breathe right
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Wait until you feel better. Your body needs the energy to fight off whatever it is.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    yah take a word of advice from me i got sick doing insanity kept at it and now ive been fighting off a lung infection since november you never know what could happen
  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    I agree with the above posts. Give your body rest to recover. You will probably get better faster and get back to your workouts sooner. Part of being healthy is knowing when to rest, too, so no guilt. :) [I am reminding myself of this even as I type.]

  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I agree with the others. Rest, wait it out, and only get back into it until you feel 100 percent again. It is a total a** kicking workout, so it wouldn't be safe to do it while your body is fighting off infection.

    Just start back up where you left off as soon as you feel better. It isn't cheating, its life. :) I understand though, when I pulled a muscle I kept doing INSANITY because I didn't want to miss any days, and I just ended up hurting myself more. We have to listen when our bodies say no!
  • spacevulture
    spacevulture Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for the advice, guys :) I'll stick to walking/light exercise.
  • vramage1
    i was wondering the same im in my LAST week and ive got a terrible cold and can barley breath soooo gutted as i have not missed a day yet after 2mths and typical i get ill in my last week im gona take a cpl of days off and just watch what i eat even more so i put my all into my work outs and i would be letting myself down by only doing then half heartily plus it will prob make me ill even longer !!