Losing Motivation

I've recently moved back to my parent's house after my college graduation. I plan on being here for about three months before I head out into the real world. I was doing very well at school. I had a gym that was a ten minute walk from my house, I had a great support system and I was super motivated and lost 17 pounds. Once I got home, I stopped coming on MFP, I haven't been to the gym (I have a membership through my job about a 30 minute drive away), I've had trouble sticking to my diet, and I'm having a tremendously difficult time gaining back my motivation.

I'm calling on all my MFP friends and anyone who sees this who may have some words of wisdom. I need some help! Any advice on how to get back on track and stay there??


  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Hey, I think we all go through ups and downs with this process. Sometimes it seems so much easier to just give up.

    Part of what's motivating me, is realizing that it's all about my choices. By not sticking with my weight loss plans, I'm choosing to be overweight, insecure, less healthy, less active, less proud of myself. I don't want to sabotage myself.

    So I choose to eat well (my first priority right now) and work out (my second priority right now). And I choose this because I am the only one who can make these changes for myself. I wouldn't tolerate someone else making me unhappy or insecure, so why would I do it to myself?

    I hope you find your motivation and keep working on this. Little changes can make the whole process easier. Just don't give up on yourself! And add me as a friend if you would like more support :)
  • JessAnn08
    JessAnn08 Posts: 7
    i have the same thinking. little changes do help. when you go to the fridge ask yourself are you really hungry. and then if yes ask yourself which choice would be better for me??
  • Samanthahahaha
    It can be really tough to stay motivated, I eat poorly more than I should but the important thing is to not give up and recognize that you have to just take it a day at a time! Everyone makes mistakes and really it isn't about eating poorly one day, it is more about just make small changes in your life. I also have a lot of trouble getting motivated to go to the gym. I found that I do a lot better exercising at home when I want and don't have to travel and finding fun exercise classes I will motivate myself to go to (ex. Zumba) so maybe think about what you like doing!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I know how you feel. Anytime I come to visit my parents, it derails all of my healthy dieting and eating. It's a complete loss of control. If I come for a weekend, it's like I need to be super strict the next week to balance out the damage.

    The only thing that helps is buying my own food and cooking FOR the family so that I can make healthy choices and cascade down to them...otherwise it's a disaster haha