so, i always imagined that going off the hard stuff would be tough. i've done it before, but i always wind up falling off the wagon! well here is how i feel after a grand total of 6 hours without crappy food.

crappy. i've got the shakes, i'm cold, my tummy is growling, i can;t concentrate, i can;t think about anything but food... i'm looking at my freind eating a chocolate bar and i am seriously contemplating attacking her for just one bite. i know it's not supposed to be about deprivation, and it's not really as i enjoyed my breakfast, snacks and lunch, but seriously. i'm going to die.

i have a snack coming in 2 hours, and i have a kiwi and some mini carrots. looking back, i should have packed something more hearty, but i actually thought my lunch would fill me up.

the whole office went for lunch today, and i stuck to my guns. i had 2 cups of light mushroom soup, i multigrain roll and some corned beef.

i think i'm starting to get cold sweats... LOL


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    so, i always imagined that going off the hard stuff would be tough. i've done it before, but i always wind up falling off the wagon! well here is how i feel after a grand total of 6 hours without crappy food.

    crappy. i've got the shakes, i'm cold, my tummy is growling, i can;t concentrate, i can;t think about anything but food... i'm looking at my freind eating a chocolate bar and i am seriously contemplating attacking her for just one bite. i know it's not supposed to be about deprivation, and it's not really as i enjoyed my breakfast, snacks and lunch, but seriously. i'm going to die.

    i have a snack coming in 2 hours, and i have a kiwi and some mini carrots. looking back, i should have packed something more hearty, but i actually thought my lunch would fill me up.

    the whole office went for lunch today, and i stuck to my guns. i had 2 cups of light mushroom soup, i multigrain roll and some corned beef.

    i think i'm starting to get cold sweats... LOL
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    Access to a Magic Bullet?
  • Teria
    Teria Posts: 36
    If you are hungry drink water and grab an apple and some string cheese. The apple in the fiber will help you feel full and the cheese helps too (plus a little more flavor). Even if you may go over your calories, try this with water. You won't feel all crappy and hungry after!
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    Hang in there snack time will be here before u know it!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Grab a healthy snack....you could even eat yours early. But don't starve yourself because your diet will never work if you do. I personally think it's better to go a little over your calories and then work them off with excercise. Good Luck!
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    no, i'm not starving myself. just not used to the feeling of not being gorged to the point of being ill. i'll get over it. i just hate the feeling of being hungry. (or not being full). drives me crazy.
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    Yep, you'll get over it. And you'll be happy when you do!
  • akwhite
    akwhite Posts: 55 Member
    take a quick walk around the office or go walk a couple flights of stairs. it will give you energy and maker you feel better! moving around helps the mind! it's all mental and you're doing an awesome job!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    no, i'm not starving myself. just not used to the feeling of not being gorged to the point of being ill. i'll get over it. i just hate the feeling of being hungry. (or not being full). drives me crazy.
    It will get better! It does take a few days for you stomach/body to adjust. But you will get the hang of eating less and also figuring out what will keep you feeling satisfied for longer periods of time. Sometimes it's all trial and error..but you will get there!!!

    Drink more water or decaf tea...anything to get something into your stomach. It does help!