New to this. Want to be even more motivated :)!

30Lbs30Days Posts: 1
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey, I'm a teenager and I've been struggling with obesity my whole entire life. I started really wanting to feel healthy and confident last year. I started eating healthy and exercising regularly July first of last year. I was 225 lbs on July 1st of '10. And I weighed my self on the 21st of this month and I weighed 174.2 lbs. I want to just be even more motivated and lose another 50 pounds by the end of August. I know that's really hard but it's summer and I'm going to be going to the gym/outside everyday! :) I believe you can achieve anythign if you really want to!


  • Hey honey First of all congrats on what you have done so far! That is awesome! I don't think that is very healthy to lose it that quickly. And the negative effects are that when you lose weight too fast, you also gain it back just as fast. Studies have shown that a slow loss of weight stays off longer. (I swear by this as I have lost it fast before and before I knew it I had it back on plus more..) not necessarily a good thing.. Good luck in what you decide though!
    PS: I am 236 now and a sz like 18-20.. I hope to lose 50lbs within 6 months and to at least be in a sz 12-14. (NO QUICKER PERIOD) :) Just as an example Good luck! Maybe after I get to about 180 I can set another goal 10lbs by 10 lbs after staying that weight for a while to let my body recouperate! Thanks for sharing!
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    Your new, healthier, lifestyle is Awesome! I'm so impressed! This is the right time of life to make those good habits and loose the weight. (wish I'd done it 30 years ago)
    but I caution you against trying to lose 50 pounds in 3 months. That doesn't sound healthy to me. I suggest that you set a more reasonable goal - like 2 pounds a week, or 25 pounds. If you exceed it, great, but you won't be damaging your body.
    Good Luck!
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    well u know that they loose more than 50 in 3 months on things like "the biggest loser" and what not... i highly recommend talking to your parents & your doctor.... lots of veggies, fruit & protein... strength & agility work outs...

    it's wonderful that u are trying to do better for yourself at a young age, i wish i had! stick to the healthiest ways and do not stray from them. I'm nervous to even comment on a teenager's posts here... but i wish u all the best...
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