Not so new, but actually using it...

Hello my fellow MyFitnessPal-ers,

My name is Bree, and I am 24 years old. I am completely obese. I was 350 when i started back in april and I have finally gotten down to 327 (as of yesterday morning). I am trying really hard to lose weight, and learn ways to be healthy so once I lose it, it wont find me again. I would like to eventually be in "one-derland" and hopefully be there by this time next year (hopefully!!!) I have a great support system around me and absolutely have been loving the progress I have been making. I have made mistakes but I am learning to brush them off and start new the next day because if I hold onto it, it will eat me alive and I will just continue to feel like a failure. I have two small children (5yr old and 2yr old) who definitely deserve a mother that can run around with them not one that gets tired and out of breath walking around the grocery store. They deserve to have a mother who will be around until she is 90 something years old. I also would like to be around that long for my financee. He is absolutely amazing and loves to support me. He is one of my biggest supporters, but sometimes doesnt understand how being overweight can affect you and the way you feel about everything. He sometimes doesnt understand how hard it is to get up and go to the gym everyday, and come home completely exhausted. He tries to understand but he doesnt, which is why Im glad I have all you guys. I actually feel like people can relate to me on the website, and dont feel like people are going to judge me or make fun of me for not being able to work out longer than an hour. I love that I feel stronger having people to back me up, and teach me things that I didnt know, and help inspire me (as I hope to do to them). I love that I can see when I am making a mistake before I make the mistake, and yes I have become one of those girls who is out with her friends saying "OMG do you know how many calories that has?" lol... and I kindof love it. I am loving the fact that even though I have only lost 23 pounds, I am starting to see the differences, especially since one of the differences is my clothes being baggy. I am sorry this is so long, but since I actually figured out how to post and introduce myself, I am able to say the things I feel I should say.
I do however, want to thank you all who are continuing to fight and inspire those around you. I really appreciate reading all the posts about different recipes, and struggles (not that I like you struggling but you know) that people go through. It helps me feel not so alone. Thank you to all of you who are choosing to help people just like me, who sometimes gets lost and have a hard time finding their way back.
I wish you all nothing BUT success. I hope to one day inspire you. If you think you would like to be apart of my journey or me be apart of yours, feel free to add me to your friends. I never turn away support!!!
