Bagels for breakfast...



  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I LOVE BAGELS but would eat up too many calories for me early in the day. I have been doing the bagel thins (adequate but I wouldn't call it an actual bagel :laugh: ))

    If you have the calories to spare.. I say enjoy your food!
  • LindsayChick
    LindsayChick Posts: 129 Member
    How about you get the best of both worlds and buy the new Bagel Thins. (Have you seen those?) They only have 110 calories each. They're thinner than normal bagels, but if you just LOVE bagels, that would be a good choice! Maybe a scrambled egg on top? Then you get carbs and protein. I'm all about fitting in the things you love (within a calorie allowance). Good luck!
  • kmp327
    kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
    I think everything in moderation. I LOVE a good bagel, I would eat them plain and not toasted every day if it were good for me. You can get mini whole wheat bagels and those might be a better choice. But I say every once in awhile (like once every couple of weeks), if you have the calories for them and are craving one, don't deprive yourself! I think the key to long-term success is balance and not completely cutting out the foods you love.
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    I make my own honey wheat bagels that come out to about 170 calories each, 36 carbs but only 4 from sugars. Part of the trick is they are much smaller than store bought bagels. Add some light cream cheese and you have a decent breakfast.

    Here's my theory. Don't "diet" make lifestyle changes. If you completely take out foods you love, you will never stick with this. Instead, learn how to modify and/or moderate them.

  • austrya
    austrya Posts: 14 Member
    Depends on the size of the bagel, I guess. I compared the labels between bagels and bread and realized the "normal" sized bagels were the equivalent if eating 5 slices of bread. Totally not worth it for me, but I do so much better when eat less carbs.
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I use either mini bagels or Bagel thins. Instead of the 'usual' topping I will put some lunch meat and cheese on it, yummy and filling too.