linas post got me thinking.....

lina had a post basically about how to feel confident when its time to get well you know...but in general does anyone have any body confidence tips at all. I am seriously beginning to think I have body dysmorphic disorder. I would love to bea able to love my body. I know that losing wt is great and I am happy I did it, but what I really want it to not always say something negative when someone says something positive. Any tips???? ladies or guys?????


  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    lina had a post basically about how to feel confident when its time to get well you know...but in general does anyone have any body confidence tips at all. I am seriously beginning to think I have body dysmorphic disorder. I would love to bea able to love my body. I know that losing wt is great and I am happy I did it, but what I really want it to not always say something negative when someone says something positive. Any tips???? ladies or guys?????
  • monica5237
    I am in the same boat with you, I have lost all together about 55 pounds and I am down from a size 24 to a size 14-16 and i see myself as big as i was back a year ago i can't seem to look in the mirror and see a smaller person
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    I think everyone has a bodyphobia of some type.

    I have some days that I still feel frumpy and tubby. But I kick myself in the pants and work to look in the mirror each day and tell myself that I'm a hottie! Give myself a little smile and move along. Which is better now because I use to say, "I need to mooooooooooooove along!!!"

    Mind over matter. :flowerforyou:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Shop, shop and shop until you find that one outfit that makes you look really awesome. I've lost 30 pounds and I have some really cute jeans (that I bought and wore 7 years ago, but haven't been in them since, until now). I put them on the other night with some hills and a t-shirt and went to a ball game and had tons of people comment on how great I looked. I'm on a pretty limited budget, but I would have spent quite a bit of money on some thing if I knew I could get a reaction out of so many people. Luckily for me these were in a tote in my closet.
    BEFORE Posts: 1,291 Member
    I think you were close when you mentioned being positive. If you say negative things about yourself you will feel negative about yourself. Start being positive, say nothing but good things about yourself. Instead of looking in the mirror and saying yuck my stomach looks awful, look at your toned legs and say "D@#n" check out my legs.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I agree I totally have it some extent....and there are days when I cringe when I see myself in the mirror....other days I'm like...not soo bad girl!:wink: but it used to be only cringe looks...and that was for years!!! I was a dancer and I'm curvy by nature and most dancers/ballerinas were well....stick figures...beautiful graceful would make me feel self conscious all the time....I had so many bad habits from it....:noway: its a really tough thing to go I feel for you....but what helped me some was to everyday fine one small thing I liked about myself....and really concentrate on liking it and embracing it...

    for may have a gorgeous smile, sparkling eyes, nice hands, great hair, hawt ankles whatever it is.....everyday keep trying to add more things once you get on thing you can believe is really YES I DOOOOO have a nice smile.....and then on to the next.....

    this works after awhile it truly does...and its much much better than saying ICK!!! or I'm sooo gross ..which is what I used to say ....and to be honest I sometimes still do....I know its not really the truth...but in my mind that's how I feel and what I see...and it can totally make you fight it baby!!! because I've seen you and you are gorgeous and have a wonderful fit body.....learn to love it one day at a the princess said....(she's awfully smart huh?:wink: )

    hugs~~~best best best of luck honey!
    Ali :heart:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hmmm, this really is a tough issue because it all comes down to what we are seeing when we look in the mirror and we are SO hard on ourselves!

    I think just as losing weight is a process to be done slow and we view ourselves is just as gradual a change. I mean, I am at the point that I am not dwelling on the parts I don't like so much. I mean, don't get me wrong...I wish I could change some things, but with all the good that I have accomplished and how my life has changed for the better SO much over the last year...I am able to view myself in such a better way now.

    One way to start is when someone gives you a compliment..instead of brushing it off or immediately finding something negative...just say a simple thank you...and smile. It does take practice!! I have had to learn to accept a compliment as well. By just smiling and saying thank are accepting what they are saying. You might not completely agree with it...but in doing this enough you WILL start to accept it yourself. When enough people compliment you...eventually you can start to see that maybe you DO look good!!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I think you were close when you mentioned being positive. If you say negative things about yourself you will feel negative about yourself. Start being positive, say nothing but good things about yourself. Instead of looking in the mirror and saying yuck my stomach looks awful, look at your toned legs and say "D@#n" check out my legs.

    he's dreamy AND SMART!:love:
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    Something to remember is beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so that means, that uglyness is also in the eye of the beholder. So if we look in the mirror and tell ouselves how ugly we are... we will believe it and even if we loose weight we will not see it.
    So here are few tips: have bevore pictures and pictures of the way you look now... find things you like about your body( nice complection, defined calves, nice waistline, pretty hair) and play those features up.
    What would you tell your best friend if she looked like you? Would you call her fat? Ugly? Stupid? and so on.... so if you wouldn't talk to your best friend like that , don't talk to yourself in that manner.
    Be nice to yourselves, you're doing something to improve your health and NO ONE is perfect. And last but not least, remember, you are more then just a body, you have lots more qualities then just what you look like... I rather be with a nice intelligent person ( no matter what he or she looks like ) then a whiner or a mean person or someone that puts everybody down just to make themselves look good.
    Oh yea I forgot if everything fails, just fake it.... if you do it long enough it becomes second nature:bigsmile:
  • aladysam
    when someone says something nice, simply say, "thank you, what a nice compliment." most of the time they don't want any details anyway, so why volunteer? when you look in the mirror say to yourself, "wow!! i'm lookin great and getting better with each passing day!!!" I havn't lost that much weight yet; i got started about a month ago. i have type two diabetes, which i'm hoping will go away with the excess weight and i have an underactive thyroid which i take meds for, so i haven't lost much, yet....5 lbs over the last month.

    i got started because of the biggest loser contest at work. i know i won't win the biggest % of weight lost, but i'm having a great time losing with coworkers.

    my biggest challenge is getting started with the exercise.