How many cals am i burning? Different sites give different a

Hi there,

hoping someone might have the answer to this, I cycle approx 11miles to and from work each day which takes about an hour each way. There are also several hills, so i average about 12 miles an hour the whole way but on the flat i tend to cycle about 16+mph.

According to this site i burn approx 700 calories (twice a day). However I've looked at another site ( that takes time and gradient and speed into account and it reckons i'm only burning 400 cals.

Which is more accurate as i'm going to have to adjust my food intake accordingly. I don't want to be eating to cover a 1400cal deficit, when actually i should only be looking at 800cal!!

All advice gratefully received.



  • TamiLinc
    TamiLinc Posts: 70 Member
    i think the only way to tell would be going to a gym and bike an hour at the same speed and see what it says for you? its a thought.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I'd go with the lowest number personally, you can't over eat then :) I'm not an expert though, it's just what I would do. I love runkeeper though.

    HRM may be a good idea, you'll get an accurate burn then, they had Polar F1 models in Tesco for £20 I noticed yesterday.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Heart rate monitor is great to work out your personal burn.
  • jovbaker
    jovbaker Posts: 11
    thanks guys, i think i'm going to assume it's the lower number (gutted!) but better to be safe than sorry.

    @thersh2 not a gym member so can't really give this a go, but thanks for the suggestion :)

    Becks, think i might give that a go, broke atm tho so can't really justify, maybe next month...