Going grain free :-/

Hi guys.

Well after reading several websites and posts from people on MFP ive decided to go low sugar no carb for a while, to see the benefits and see if it helps shift the last few llbs.

Questions - has anyone else tried this, if so was it succesful.
Also, im vegetarian, so i think im going to be limited to foods! has anyone got any realistic meal ideas, which dont mean im shopping for completely random ingrediants? Anyone have any recipes they would liek to share?

Help would be very much appreciated, as im already stuck on what to have for lunch :O

many thanks in advance


  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    im not a veggie but im a pesco and i love low carb eating best way to keep my weight off since you u have limited food list cant help you there i would like and find interesting how vegetation do low carb.
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    I'm not big on grains. I've tried to incorporate them in the past in a healthy way, but lately I haven't been eating them very much. When I try and bring them back, I barely eat them, they just don't taste good to me. The only type of "grain" that tastes good to me is pure homemade white bread :) I try and stay away from it for obvious reasons lol.
  • jraps17
    jraps17 Posts: 179 Member
    I was a vegan for a while several years ago and i stoped eating processed grains mostly because i couldn't have some of the ingredients in them. The most important thing is to get plenty of protein so you do not loose muscle . Im not a vegan anymore but im still a vegetarian. I'm sure you know all about the vegetarian meat alternatives out there that you can buy at the grocery store. I eat bunless veggie burgers all the time. you can have lettuce wraps with these. It may not be easy to go (bad) carb free but you will see the benefit of it.
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    hmm... what about substituting butternut squash in place of potato? Do you eat cheese and/ or egg?

    Ratatouille is nice, what about a vegetable stew? I like to roast veg rather than boil it etc as it gives a better taste. Not sure what Polenta is like carb wise but could maybe try using that as a pasta substitute?
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    Yes i eat all dairy and i love butternut squash, its just a little tricky, as my fund are limited for food shopping (and everything else :-/) so i am happy to go for things like this, just not foods i wouldnt normally buy, or are hard to find. Many thanks
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I'm vegetarian. I'm not grainfree, but I try to limit my gluten. Initially I cut it out entirely and saw a big change, but now I will have some in very limited amounts. However I do eat potatoes. I would suggest quinoa, which although technically a grain is also a complete protein. It's dirt cheap and can be used in place of rice or made into a taboleah salad or used as a breakfast cereal instead of oatmeal.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I have to have my grains, be it rice, wheat, oats, millet etc. I tried cutting back, or cutting it all out but my overall health and well being suffered dramatically. I can't get through my workouts otherwise. You need complex carbs in your diet, cut out whole grains and you're not left with much and you'll end up relying on simple carbs, like fruit too much, which you'll find will make you crash alot faster.

    I'm a vegetarian, and I neeeed my grains!

  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    I cut out carbs for 2 weeks when I tried Dukan. I now don't eat wheat or bread because I'm intolerant and get IBS. I do eat corn based pasta, as well as rice (try and make it wholegrain). I think it has made a difference, especiLLY THE bread thing.