Weight training VS Cardio

tigga39 Posts: 11 Member

I wonder if anyone knows where I can find a routine that fits in to my busy life...?

I started off as an unfit lump weighing 230lb's and have lost 61lb's since February. I am 5' 11" tall..... I have used cardio - my exercise bike and weights. I also have a speed ball which I quite like using.

I do however want to tidy up my lose arms and my tummy which aren't as good as they used to be - I am 48 and have had babies!!!

I'm quite happy to cycle my 15 miles per day but know this isn't sustainable forever and I also know that in building muscle (doing weights) I will continue to burn fat even whilst resting...
I have looked at the Shin Ohtake website but I'm not sure I need to go down this road.... I have only another half a stone of actual weight to lose before I'm at (my personally set) target, though I also know that this might not actually come off in weight once I find the right training routine - it might just be inch loss which is just fine with me....

Anyway, I do hope someone can advise with some sort of routine. I do have a YORK machine with weights and wires in my cellar and can do both legs or upper body workouts with it....I just don't know which?

Many thanks to anyone that can help...:flowerforyou:
Love Tiggs


  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    bodybuilding.com has a routine finder sectin that will help.
    it does it by gender, goal, and age.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    When I'm time stretched - nothing beats circuit training for me. I'm sure you can find something online (it's a combo of strength moves and cardio mixed together). I've been using the same philosophy as Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred even when traveling. 3 minutes of strength (low weights, high reps), 2 minutes of high impact cardio (jumping squats, jumping jacks, high knees, etc), 1 minute of abs. Repeat 3-4 times. The strength moves she does combines muscle groups - so you may do bicep curls while sustaining a squat position.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    Do both. Try to incorporate all your muscle groups in your workouts. How you do it is up to you. Some people like full body workouts, some like to split the body parts up into seperate days. Whatever way you decide to do it, make sure you give your muscles at least 48 hours to rebuild before working them again.
  • gooberr4
    gooberr4 Posts: 253 Member
    bodybuilding.com has a routine finder sectin that will help.
    it does it by gender, goal, and age.

    this website is awesome! just what i was looking for. thanks so much!!!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    Try the book "New Rules of Lifting for women" my wife used this and she looked great, I use the male version.

    I also agree with bodybuilding.com good people over there.

    BUt Strength training and Diet are the key, with really eating healthier is the key.

    My diet is my biggest weakness, so that is my own struggle as many of us have.

    So I recommend going through bodybuilding.com also go to your local library and see if they have New Rules of lifting for women and read up on it, if not your local bookstore can carry it, but read through it first before buying. I don't recommend their AB book, not until you and mysaelf get closer to our goals.

    I hope this helps :)
  • tigga39
    tigga39 Posts: 11 Member
    Fabulous website.... I hadn't realised more weight and less reps would be better.

    Thank you... I will continue to browse this website. Any more advice would be truly appreciated x
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Fabulous website.... I hadn't realised more weight and less reps would be better.

    Thank you... I will continue to browse this website. Any more advice would be truly appreciated x

    StrongLifts 5x5 is a great program for males and females. the exercises take practice, but you will get stronger fast.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Fabulous website.... I hadn't realised more weight and less reps would be better.

    Thank you... I will continue to browse this website. Any more advice would be truly appreciated x

    StrongLifts 5x5 is a great program for males and females. the exercises take practice, but you will get stronger fast.
  • reallivefitness
    Kettlebells. They will change your body like you wouldn't believe. I use a book called "Body Sculpting with Kettlebells for Women" by Lorna Kleidman and I can't recommend it enough. I got my mom a copy and a 10 and 15 lb bell for Mother's Day and she loves it too.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I've got a great book "Smart girls do dumbbells" which explains the basics and sets up progressive routines for you. And I second kettlebells, they're awesome at combining cardio with resistance.