Always hungry!

nikijohnson8 Posts: 24 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone,

I'm having an issue with always being hungry. I've tried eating slower and drinking water while eating, but it seems that no matter how big the meal I am always hungry.

I'm currently eating 1440 calories, but I generally eat 1800 to 2000 calories with the extra calories gained through exercise. I've gained 2lbs now that I'm eating more calories though. :(

Any ideas?


  • putnam80
    putnam80 Posts: 69 Member
    better breakfast maybe with less carbs and more protein and fat. make sure you have some sensible snacks, an orange or apple, with 1 serving of mixed nuts or something. sensible lunch with a good amount of protein and fat in it. lots of water and a lite dinner.

    my mom struggles with the same thing. maybe your activity level is set to low. my mom is over on calories every day but still losing about 1lb a week.

    i have been using MFP for about three weeks now, but working out and eating better for two months. i have lost about 12 lbs. only about two days have i had hunger problems. but i have no idea about that few calories. im a active guy and get 2670 a day
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I cant see your diary but maybe it beacause of what you are eating? Do you eat plenty of protein?

    How about splitting your calories into 6 small meals so you are eating more often?

    When are you hungry? at night? between meals?
  • Jessaamine
    Jessaamine Posts: 111
    I had the same issue at first. You're going to need to substitute whatever you're eating with several lower calorie choices. That way you can eat all day and avoid feeling hungry.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm having an issue with always being hungry. I've tried eating slower and drinking water while eating, but it seems that no matter how big the meal I am always hungry.

    I'm currently eating 1440 calories, but I generally eat 1800 to 2000 calories with the extra calories gained through exercise. I've gained 2lbs now that I'm eating more calories though. :(

    Any ideas?

    It may be the type of food you are eating. A Big Mac is over 500 calories, but it's not going to keep you full nearly as long as a full plate of veggies, brown rice and some sort of lean protein which would come in at about the same amount of calories. Drinking liquids can also help somewhat.
  • nikijohnson8
    nikijohnson8 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm usually the most hungry after I've eaten. I eat loads of fruit and veggies throughout the day, at least two servings of meat (one at noon and one at dinner), and not too many carbs. I try to follow the food guide when I eat.

    I usually have a glass of water, a pot of yogurt, a banana, and cereal (either Rice Krispies or Cheerios) for breakfast, I usually snack on carrots before lunch, lunch is usually a protein light egg whites with toast or a meat sandwich, yogurt and a fruit or veggie, and I normally have chicken with rice or some sort of bread or potato for supper, with a large salad and a serving of veggies.

    I would assume that should fill me up, but maybe I'm missing something in there that would fill me up better???
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Don't take me to be one of those against carbs or fruit, but depending on what type of yogurt you're having, that could be a pretty carb heavy breakfast which may spike your blood sugar and cause you to crash later in the morning. Maybe try some eggs/egg whites or some kind of healthy breakfast meat?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm usually the most hungry after I've eaten. I eat loads of fruit and veggies throughout the day, at least two servings of meat (one at noon and one at dinner), and not too many carbs. I try to follow the food guide when I eat.

    I usually have a glass of water, a pot of yogurt, a banana, and cereal (either Rice Krispies or Cheerios) for breakfast, I usually snack on carrots before lunch, lunch is usually a protein light egg whites with toast or a meat sandwich, yogurt and a fruit or veggie, and I normally have chicken with rice or some sort of bread or potato for supper, with a large salad and a serving of veggies.

    I would assume that should fill me up, but maybe I'm missing something in there that would fill me up better???

    That actually sounds pretty healthy. The one thing that may be missing is fat. Do you include healthy fats (olive, canola, peanut, sunflower, etc. oils) in the preparation of your food? It is high in calories, but adding just a little can really help with that full filling. And raise your HDLs which can lower your overall choleserol and hear disease risk.
  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    I am really hungry too all the time, literally when I want to eat (especially biscuits, sweets chocolate) the cravings are really strong and it takes so much willpower.

    I used to be a massively fussy eater, no fruit/veg, loads of sweets, instant foods, fizzy full calorie pop. I now eat healthier and choose lwoer fat options and try and snack on fruit, rice cakes, low fat biscuits as a treat. I've been very restrained today but I only have 200 cals left (Ill be going to body combat later so thats 400 cals ish back for tea).

    Can someone check my diary and see what they think? I'm 119lbs and 5'7" so I'm not aiming to loose ****loads of weight.
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    Go for bulk foods that are low in calories. I get the big dill pickle rather than chips when I go to Jimmy Johns (22 cals instead of 160).

    Load up on veggies! Typically you can have a big helping and not kill your calorie total, even at restaurants!

    Someone else mentioned figuring out when you typically get hungry. Great idea to listen to your body. I have always been ravished when I get home from work (typically because I use work as a forces diet since we don't have a cafeteria and I hate spending money in vending machines). I have started going on a walk/jog (C25K) as soon as I get home and have been amazed how less hungry I am once I get back to the house.
  • KristyJoy123
    KristyJoy123 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm having this same problem, and it IS NOT due to the types of food I'm eating. I'm a vegetarian, but I eat as much protein/fiber as I can. I snack, I eat back all my exercise calories but I'm CONSTANTLY hungry. I eat more vegetables than anyone, probably.

    I'm currently starving and have already eaten 800 calories today. I don't even know if I have the energy to work out. There has got to be something wrong.
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    I had the same issue when I started....your body is used to more food so its going to be will get better...also try a breakfast with more protein to keep you full...I have been having an egg over easy with an english muffin and coffee every morning for breakfast and dont even need a morning snack anymore......and sometimes we think we are hungry when in fact we are just not full.
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