Tips to get "cheat" weight down?



  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Thursday is my cheat meal and I really try to push my workout as far as I can go so I dont have to worry or have the guilt.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Watch your sodium, lots of water like you stated, and get in some full body workouts to burn off muscle glycogen.
  • jrp31
    jrp31 Posts: 47 Member
    Don't make it into 'cheat days' but maybe only 'cheat meals' only, not the whole day.

    I like this!
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Don't make it into 'cheat days' but maybe only 'cheat meals' only, not the whole day.

    I like this!

    Naaaa Spike days rock!
  • jah7700
    jah7700 Posts: 276 Member
    I will say, though, I do notice that if I try to weigh myself too much, it absolutely drives me nuts. My new plan is to weigh myself the same day of the week every time and absolutely stay away from the scale right around my cheat day. I am still losing weight each week and I don't stress out about whatever may have happened the one day a week I cheat.

    This has been a key for me! I was weighing nearly every day and would see the weight dropping, then have a "cheat meal" (great concept, rather than a day) and by my official weigh-in day would have lost a 1lb but knew earlier in the week I had been down 2. I also started measurements, but only on weeks I don't lose. That way I'm still motivated because I see the size difference the last time I measured.

    It's not a fun journey, but keep it up and enjoy the results...

  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    I just had a "bad weekend." (Dates! Go figure! I'm finally getting attention from the opposite sex and they all want to take me out to eat! What a nightmare!) Friday, Saturday and Sunday I was over my MFP net calories by no more than 200 calories each day. (I was brutal on the calorie counting, too) I got my workouts in with a little extra but still bumped up the scale 3 lbs!

    Obviously, sodium and water retention are part of the problem, but I also think that the change in my diet -- consuming more fatty/starchy/fried foods-- sort of plugged my system up. Sunday's early dinner still felt like a rock in my stomach at noon on Monday.

    So now I'm downing lots of H2O, taking a B-6 vitamin supplement that my trainer suggested to help with water retention, eating lots and lots of green leafy veggies, and moving a lot and adding to my workouts.
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    On days that I've went well beyond my goal, I make adjustments in the rest of the week to even out my slip-up, so that I can still lose (or maintain in my case).

    So create an EXTRA 1,000 calorie deficit throughout the week via exercise or decreased intake.

    For me to maintain, my intake cannot exceed 1600-1700cals/daily. If I eat 2,700cal one day, then the rest of the week I'll chop a few hundred off my normal 1700 each day. One day I'll do 1200, the next I'll do 1400, and then 1500, then back to 1700. For someone on a losing deficit, those intake adjustments may be more difficult to achieve, but still doable.

    Keep your head up, and just know that you can rectify your cheat weight gain.
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I recommend taking in a lot of water I mean double what you normally drink. then hit cardio real hard the next day. That is what I normally do I can normally knock off like 3-5 pounds...
  • Tarilynn
    Tarilynn Posts: 22 Member
    I totally agree with having your cheat day the day AFTER your weigh in. Psychologically, you're giving yourself the coming week to, obviously drink more water, and stay on track. If you feel like you really over did it, then just push your workout routine a little harder. sorry but there doesn't appear to be any type of quick, healthy way to outsmart the scale if your cheat day is the day before weigh in.
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    If you only went over by 1,000 cal, then the 2 lbs you are up is mostly water weight (or you are vastly underreporting calories). I recommend just doing some exercise. Work hard the rest of the week and try to get your weekly net calories at or under your goal. If you want an easy (temporary) fix to make sure you are under on your weigh in day, just get an empty bottle and spit into it all day.
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