Hello Everyone

edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Today is my first day here with you guys. Due to depression and physical illness I have gained an unhealthy amount of weight-
I am now at a new place and beginning a new chapter in my life that will hopefully be healthy, happy and up lifting to myself and everyone around me.

I would love to be and receive positive energy. I would like to wish everyone the best of luck and any encouragement and support that I am able to offer.

No longer am I looking at the life changing events in my life as stop signs, but rather they are hurdles that can be "jumped" with a little courage and a lot of work and determination!

Best Wishes!!


  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good for you! This is an amazing community of really motivated people, if you want support you picked the right place!! :smile:
  • IdaMoreno38
    IdaMoreno38 Posts: 105
    Welcome hun!
    The first step is always the hardest to take and you did it!
    Just stay focused and it will happen.
    Hard work but worth every minute!
  • RaeLynn_3
    RaeLynn_3 Posts: 22
    Welcome!! This is a great site!!! Feel free to add me!!
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi and welcome! This is a great site for keeping you motivated!
    Good for you for taking charge and changing your outlook on life :bigsmile:
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    welcome & "Let's do this!!!"
  • i'm sorry to ask this completely unrelated question, but i was wondering how you add starting weight, current weight and goal weight in the green letters below the posts? i tried to figure it out on my profile, but i'm really drawing a blank.
  • deezypeezy
    deezypeezy Posts: 4
    At the top of this page where it says signature you can add what ever you like including your ticker :)
  • At the top of this page where it says signature you can add what ever you like including your ticker :)

    Ah! thank you!
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