All living things must eat in order to survive...but I can't! HELP!!

So...I'm no skinny minnie as the favored term seems to be. I've been "bigger" my entire life... not only weight wise but height as well. (I am nearly 6' tall!)

I got really sick last year and ended up staying in the hospital for a week after not eating for nearly a month. Everything I ate I threw up. I ended up having my gall bladder removed, and the doctors promised my appetite would return and I would be ok. Well here we are a year and 4 months later and I'm having the same problems. (over these past 16months I have managed to keep off 37 pounds, not inlcuding the 15.2 I have lost in the past 3 weeks)

I don't want to eat nor do I have any appetite to eat. I am very conscience of what I eat and drink and lean towards healthier things (roasted veggies, baked or grilled chicken, salads and fruit)
When I try to force myself to eat I am extremely nauseaous (sp?)

I am at my wit's end. I am failing miserably at meeting my daily calorie goal. (Falling short by 700-850 calories daily) My co-workers are constantly on me about not eating but they don't understand I can't. (the going joke is I only eat 3 times a week)

I am not sure if its all in my mind and I need to retrain myself to eat or what the deal is.

I go walking/jogging almost every day for 2-5 miles and even though I work in an office I am quite active and am always running around.

I just don't know what to do... I can't eat, I don't want to eat and even though I am slowly losing weight I want to make sure I'm not doing something to damage my body in the long run. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  • Mufasa0331
    Mufasa0331 Posts: 334 Member
    All living things must eat in order to survive...but I can't! HELP!!

    So...I'm no skinny minnie as the favored term seems to be. I've been "bigger" my entire life... not only weight wise but height as well. (I am nearly 6' tall!)

    I got really sick last year and ended up staying in the hospital for a week after not eating for nearly a month. Everything I ate I threw up. I ended up having my gall bladder removed, and the doctors promised my appetite would return and I would be ok. Well here we are a year and 4 months later and I'm having the same problems. (over these past 16months I have managed to keep off 37 pounds, not inlcuding the 15.2 I have lost in the past 3 weeks)

    I don't want to eat nor do I have any appetite to eat. I am very conscience of what I eat and drink and lean towards healthier things (roasted veggies, baked or grilled chicken, salads and fruit)
    When I try to force myself to eat I am extremely nauseaous (sp?)

    I am at my wit's end. I am failing miserably at meeting my daily calorie goal. (Falling short by 700-850 calories daily) My co-workers are constantly on me about not eating but they don't understand I can't. (the going joke is I only eat 3 times a week)

    I am not sure if its all in my mind and I need to retrain myself to eat or what the deal is.

    I go walking/jogging almost every day for 2-5 miles and even though I work in an office I am quite active and am always running around.

    I just don't know what to do... I can't eat, I don't want to eat and even though I am slowly losing weight I want to make sure I'm not doing something to damage my body in the long run. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I'm not sure how to fix your problem, maybe go back to the doc and see if what you're feeling is normal and/or get in more calories, perhaps check out some weight gain shakes. I know you don't want to gain weight, but since you have trouble eating a healthy amount of cals, you can have a shake to add in those 500 calories you can't eat. I've never had a weight gain shake, but I assume they probably taste good....GNC or any health food store carries them. Good luck! I bet not being able to eat feels the same as eating too's that out of control/out of balance feeling. I hope this helps!
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    honey -- you need to eat and you need help. I would go back to the doc ASAP to discuss this and for a referral to an eating disorder specialist. Please seek help --