Counting Carbs

chronos5000 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Well ladies and gentlemen, The world rocks back and forth when I walk... At 337, I am no light weight. There are a myriad of health concerns because of my increased size (not to mention the whole earthquake when I move thingy) So, a buddy of mine told me about watching carbs... I am still of the mind that ANY calorie in any form is still a calorie. Too many in and not enough out = increase in weight. So, here is to trying to change that equation.
But dang it, I love to cook and eat, eat while I am cooking, eat before cooking, and even the impossible to think of, eat without cooking...
so since I like to eat..... there is this problem of accumulating calories. I do not hoard them, they just come to me on their own... As a responsible host, I must provide them with lodging (around my waist) Now I must redecorate and reduce the lodging dimensions. Thanks for reading.


  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I watch the amount and quality of my carbs and it totally works! I love to cook too, and eat, LOL! You just have to change the 'what' and 'how' you cook and eat.... good luck to you!
  • ltf304
    ltf304 Posts: 132 Member
    Unfortunately if you count carbs and not calories then you won't lose weight. If you eat 3000 calories of protein a day and zero carbs, then you won't lose weight. Its all about balance. Eating carbs is ok as long as they are balanced out with everything else. Good luck!
  • bribra34
    bribra34 Posts: 14
    I am also on a low-carb diet (I try for under 50g a day) and it's tough. I personally know it's working for me as I am 6lbs away from my goal weight and have lost 36lbs all together.

    You can do it! And if you go a couple weeks without going over, indulge in some pasta or bread, but limit yourself, that way, you'll get your craving over with, and then start fresh the next day.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Well ladies and gentlemen, The world rocks back and forth when I walk... At 337, I am no light weight. There are a myriad of health concerns because of my increased size (not to mention the whole earthquake when I move thingy) So, a buddy of mine told me about watching carbs... I am still of the mind that ANY calorie in any form is still a calorie. Too many in and not enough out = increase in weight. So, here is to trying to change that equation.
    But dang it, I love to cook and eat, eat while I am cooking, eat before cooking, and even the impossible to think of, eat without cooking...
    so since I like to eat..... there is this problem of accumulating calories. I do not hoard them, they just come to me on their own... As a responsible host, I must provide them with lodging (around my waist) Now I must redecorate and reduce the lodging dimensions. Thanks for reading.

    Hysterical! I love your attitude!

    Atkins works. I've had a lot of success with low carb eating but I enjoy eating that way. However, if you are a carb lover, it probably won't work for YOU. I also agree that calories are calories. If we let less of them into our lives (and digestive systems), the earth will move a little less with our passing. It's time to kick the calories out of your life (carbs or not!) and regain control of your health.

    All humor aside, if you are serious about trying a low carb lifestyle, check out While you don't necessarily have to follow their plan, they have a lot of good information about low carb foods and some completely awesome recipes to help you out.

    Good luck!
  • slbeutler
    slbeutler Posts: 205
    You have to do what works for you. Anytime you cut out a food group out of your diet, like carbs, you are decreasing the calories. I hate counting calories, so watching carbs works best for me and I get the best results. I do include a few servings of healthy carbs a day, like fruit with breakfast and depending on my workout, low carb pasta (dreamfields is my favorite) for dinner, but again carefully measured. I stick to healthy lean protein sources and veggies throughout the day and don't really count my calories. I do log my foods on here just to see where I am at and I usually fall right into my calorie range. I also eat about 5-6 small meals a day. I find if I let myself get too hungry, I over eat. I have found some great low carb options and treats, like a great salad with veggies, chicken, avacado. I use a ranch dressing made with greek yogurt that is fabulous and 60% less fat and calories.

    I read an article on obesity and they stated they are finding that people who have a family history of type 2 diabetes, genetically respond to sugar and high glycemic foods differently than people who do not and have a tendency to be obese or overweight. I thougth it was interesting, because it is in my family and my body responds much better to diets that are similar to that of a diabetic.
  • mercy8
    mercy8 Posts: 9
    Hello! Just take it one day at a time. I tried the Low Carb South Beach Diet,it worked for awhile. I've done alot of YoYo's in my many years of struggle with my weight. Lately, I've just been sticking to calorie counting, walking alot; and plugging in my numbers. I keep a journal that I write everything I ate, exercised every night...sometimes I only have time to enter info on myfitnesspal every other day. But that journal has been my friend for the past 20 weeks. Hang in there, you can do it.....just do it!
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