ten question/fill in the blank



  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when I feel like I look good in my outfits

    2. my favorite colors are....
    pink, teal

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to....
    treat myself to a new outfit

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    watch comedies that I've seen a million times

    6. my favorite music is....
    country, pop, 80s

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....
    to look and feel good again

    8. do you have any pets......
    2 hermit crabs, cat, dog, and turtle

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    my friends cheering me on and seeing them succeed

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when my clothes fit how I want them to and I feel confident.

    2. my favorite colors are....
    turqoise, green, black

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....
    maintain and love it

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    currently getting into running, but I've always been a huge fan of hiking.

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    I'm a complete dork and I crack myself up all the time with my dorkiness. Lol.

    6. my favorite music is....
    alternative and all out rock

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....
    Feeling bad about myself specifically because of how I looked

    8. do you have any pets......

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    seeing myself in the mirror and liking what I see

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    I love to hike and I'm a sucker for a big ole salad. :happy:
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When I am working out!

    2. my favorite colors are....Purple and teal

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to....shop for new clothes

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    use elliptical/treadmill

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh... read FML on my phone

    6. my favorite music is....
    country, rock

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....fitting back into my favorite jeans

    8. do you have any pets......
    nope my baby dog got killed

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    The way my hubby looks at me and compliments me

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When I'm in bra and panties in front of mirror

    2. my favorite colors are....red, teal, blues, pink

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....buy a new wardrobe, also I've been thinking about the bikini too - haven't worn one since I was a little girl!

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    stationary bike, walk with my girls, exercise to Jillian Michaels with my girls (2 & 4 years old, they love to "help")

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    When my 4 year old asks if that's in my calories, gets me every time!

    6. my favorite music is....

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to run and play with my girls and not be a bench mommy... to get as skinny or skinnier than my husband, who has already reached his personal goal weight.

    8. do you have any pets......
    my 4 year old has a betta fish named Papaw

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    results I've had, smaller clothes I've bought that I will kick myself in the butt if I don't fit into soon (my girls happiness with having a smaller mommy and daddy)

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    yogurts, cheese, experimenting with new foods and recipes - I don't have any 1 favorite item yet.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When I put on a pretty nighty for my hubby

    2. my favorite colors are....
    fuschi, blue, teal

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....
    Go Sky diving!

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    walking, bike riding

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    make up silly songs when I drive about whatever is on my mind

    6. my favorite music is....
    country, rock, jazz, classical

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to
    Me, its time for me.

    8. do you have any pets......
    1 Dog- Jack russel named Daisy, Cat- Blackie

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    My kiddo. I don't want to be a fat lazy mom..I want to be a fun active mom.

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    Playing catch with my family, grilled tilapia fish tacos
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    ok, here are some random questions/fill in the blank to help us get to know each other
    i will answer them first

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when im exercising...i can envision the weight leaving my body

    2. my favorite colors are....teal, silver, red, black

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....go on vacation and make my hubby have "bug eyes"....hehe

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    use elliptical/treadmill/walk on track/dance/strength training

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    i snort when i laugh, and when i do i snort louder and laugh harder

    6. my favorite music is....
    country, gospel, 80's rock

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to reverse my diabetes and maintain a healthy life

    8. do you have any pets......
    i have 2 dogs, Sugar and P-Nut

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    the results im seeing

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    mine is low carb low fat tortilla w/ peanut butter and grapes rolled in it

    I'm game... so here goes

    1. I feel the sexiest when... I fit in my size 32 Levi's ('cause I haven't seen size 32 since High School.

    2. My favorite colors are... Purple, Black and Gold (Not my school or team colors. I just like 'em).

    3. When I reach my goal weight, I want to... Run in a marathon to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

    4. My favorite way to lose weight is... Fitness Walking and I hope to add spinning and jogging as soon as I'm able.

    5. One "random" thing that I do to make myself laugh... Read T-Shirts and Billboards.

    6. My favorite music is... Classical to Classic Rock, 70's - Current Radio, with occasional forays into techno / trance (when I'm in the zone).

    7. My motivation to lose weight is... The feelings of success in accomplishment, and my amazement every time I take my belt in another notch, or look in the mirror (who is that guy in there?).

    8. Do I have any pets... No, but my cat, Chauncey-Brat, has me (She just doesn't seem to get it that I'm not a "cat person" and loves me anyway).

    Referring back to Question # 5 - I look up words / phrases to see where they originate. I wanted to name the cat 'Chance' or 'Chancy' because she was the only survivng kitten from the whole litter (the mother had stopped feeding them). My wife said we couldn't name a girl cat a boys name so I said, "O.K., let's name her 'Chauncey'."

    I just looked up Chauncey on dictionary.com and it says, "Chaun·cey [chawn-see, chahn-] –noun, a male given name". All this time I thought Chauncey was a girl-kitty name. Oh well!

    9. One thing that inspires me to continue my journey... Every week when I weigh-in & measure that I'm able to post forward progress, and every time I get to take my belt in another notch.

    10. My favorite healthy thing to do or eat... get a massage, go hiking in the mountains and experiment in the kitchen developing new, flavorful, low-carb, low-calorie, yummy meals for my family.

    The supportive environment here in the myfitnesspal community sure is encouraging!

  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when I'm having se....er, yeah...well then, and also when non-intimate lady friends tell me I look cute and smaller!

    2. my favorite colors are?
    Blue, grey, teal.

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to..
    Buy new clothes and burn the big and tall crap, lol.

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    See #1...haha...or walking.

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    i seem to have a knack for looking at the clock at 12:34 and 11:11, several times a week. It makes me giggle.

    6. my favorite music is....
    I'll listen to and buy just about everything, even country. But I'd say I'm mostly into hip-hop and r&b/dance.

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight
    A 6 year old daughter...and a distinct hatred of insulin needles.

    8. do you have any pets......
    Not any more, had a dog while married, I don't get joint custody of it him, lol. I am just not home enough to make it worth having one.

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    Seeing "normal" glucose levels in the morning. Normal normal, not diabetic normal.

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    I'm a pretty big fan of broccoli and of walking.
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    Umm. Uh…next question

    2. my favorite colors are?
    Red, tan, light blue

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to..
    Take my shirt off at the beach and ride a roller coaster with my daughter

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    Lifting weights

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    I privately listen to Cobie Callet in my car….the feeling is similar to how I feel about filling out these questions ;-) but it does make me laugh :wink:

    6. my favorite music is....
    Old skool rap but I listen to pretty much everything

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight
    I’m doing it for me but my family is my motivation

    8. do you have any pets......
    1 cat, 1 dog

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    My daughter.:happy:

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    Talk to you inspiring MFP people :drinker:
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    LOVE IT.....what exactly were you referring to in question 1..hehehehe
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    :wink: youre pretty inspiring yourself......
  • NoWeighJose74
    NoWeighJose74 Posts: 581 Member

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    Every time my wife calls me "beautiful", which is just about every day, though I've yet to see it for myself :laugh:

    2. my favorite colors are?
    Forest green, navy blue

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to..
    Never let it slip away again.

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    Lifting weights (squat day and deadlift day are my favorites)

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    Reminisce about funny past experiences

    6. my favorite music is...
    usually rock, or some other upbeat high energy music on my iPod when I'm lifting (no particular favorite artist)

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight
    To feel good about myself and feel worthy to be seen at my wife's side in public

    8. do you have any pets......
    Weiner dog (Hambone), Pug ( Pickles), cat (Chloe), guinea pig (Scamp), gecko (Vega, yeah we actually named it :laugh: ), bunch of discus fish, cardinals, amano shrimp, and others in a 125 gallon freshwater aquarium with live plants (can you tell, it's my biggest hobby :laugh: )

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    I'd been waffling with getting back in gear with my weight loss, until became active on this site. SO MANY MOTIVATING stories! :smile:

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    do? lift hard and heavy (for me anyway)
    eat? I have a recipe for protein muffins (blueberry, apple cinnamon, oatmeal raisin, and a few others) that I have just about every day for breakfast. Also a healthy chicken pizza recipe
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    right after I get out of the shower or bath... I put on boy short underwear and one of my under tanks that I wear under my shirts and straighten my hair and put on my tanning lotion.. it's weird haha

    2. my favorite colors are:
    green, navy blue, yellow, black

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to:
    be able to buy tons of nice clothes in any store I want

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is:
    doing dance exercises.. billy blanks jr has ones I like and my wii dance games!

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh:
    sing and dance in the car

    6. my favorite music is:
    almost anything.. I love top 40 but at the same time I'll listen to whatever sounds good.. no country!

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight:
    getting married next summer... my skinny friends....my health!! ... being able to wear a bikini

    8. do you have any pets:
    I have a puggle named max :D

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    wedding planning.....

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    fave healthy thing to do is to just be active (walking uphill, exercising) and not get winded! favorite healthy food = fruit.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    Galatians 6:9 is one of my faves.....may you succeed and always Give God glory
  • FitFrenchGirl
    FitFrenchGirl Posts: 177
    1. when do you feel the sexiest? When I go tanning my hair is done, my nails are done
    2. my favorite colors: LIME GREEN, PINK,
    3. when i reach my goal weight: I want to look super cute in skinny jeans
    4. my favorite way to lose weight is.... Running, Jogging, and dancing
    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh....I like to dance to lady gaga in my undies
    6. my favorite music is.... TECHNO and dance
    7. what is your motivation to lose weight.... I want to feel good about myself
    8. do you have any pets...... Nope
    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey.... bebe jeans and super cute swimsuit
    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat.... apples or grapes

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • theMightyAnt
    1. when do you feel the sexiest? Strutting around in a Tuxedo ;-)
    2. my favorite colors: Red, Blue
    3. when i reach my goal weight: I want to: maintain it and a healthy lifestyle
    4. my favorite way to lose weight is.... Brutal TRX (suspension training) sessions that make you realise you have additional muscles
    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh... Talk to myself
    6. my favorite music is.... Completely depends on my mood and situation. Dance, Classical, World, cheese...
    7. what is your motivation to lose weight.... Long term health and flexibility into later life
    8. do you have any pets...... Not any more (sniff)
    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey.... the feeling of accomplishment after a great day
    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat.... Play rugby
  • MsMadmagic
    MsMadmagic Posts: 66
    Oh this is fun!!

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When I'm swimming. It makes me feel toned.

    2. my favorite colors are....Red & Orange

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....Buy a Sexy cocktail dress. It's been so long :cry:

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is.... Zumba

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    Falling over (which I do alot!!!)

    6. my favorite music is....
    Country, Rock & Pop

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....To feel like the old me

    8. do you have any pets...... I have 1 Dog & 1 Cat

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    All my small clothes in my wardrobe waiting to be worn again

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    Low fat chocolate mouse or salt and vinegar popcorn
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When the weight is coming off.

    2. my favorite colors are....Black

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....Take some pics

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    Walking, soccer

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    People watch

    6. my favorite music is....
    Blues, Classic Rock

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....Health

    8. do you have any pets......
    1 Cat -- Joey (Really Jan's Cat; Joey just tolerates me)

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    Been noticing an increase in stamina

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    Oatmeal is my favorite thing to eat. Walking is my favorite thing to do.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    after a drink (or two). inhibitions out the window and i'm carmen electra (thing is, my husband makes me feel like i look like her every single day:smooched: )

    2. my favorite colors
    really don't have one, but if i had to choose it'd be purple. but not "barney" purple. more of a "merlot" purple.

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....
    wear a bikini *without* a wrap.

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    telling the genie it's my second wish.

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    try to act "ghetto fabulous".

    6. my favorite music is....

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight
    other than looking good (call me vain), i have 5 *amazing* kids i want to be around for for a very long time.

    8. do you have any pets......
    we have a dog, zoe, that lives with my sister-in-law. she's a rescue so i'm not entirely certain what she is, but she looks like someone took a german shepherd and shrunk it in the dryer:)

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    friends & success stories (both irl and mfp)

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    any exercise is a huge feat for me. and i'm a huge fan of my santa fe turkey burgers.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When i get a 2 syllable "damn" (daa-yumm!) as i walk by :wink:

    2. my favorite colors are....
    purple and lime green

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....
    get away with wearing one of those string bottom bikinis...(not a thong!)...just the tiny ones that are tied by strings

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    run run and more running

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    movie impersonations...sadly the only one im good at is Borat :sad:

    6. my favorite music is....

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....
    a tiny pair of shorts i have hidden deep in my dresser drawers

    8. do you have any pets......
    a dog named Piper(she lives at my parents house though) and a kitten named Bellatrix

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    people telling me that im looking great

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    frozen grapes are my favorite things to snack on...and i love a short jogs...makes me feel amazing after
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when I get up in the am......with a girl(chuckles) or when a girl proceeds to wrap her arm around my bicep and hug it like it's her long lost Teddy Bear

    2. my favorite colors are, Black, Indigo or White

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to......I am getting to sleeves and finally booking from trip to Europe

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is, Stairmaster, riding my single speed bike and lifting tons of heavy Sh1t

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...How random my ADHD makes me

    6. my favorite musical types are.......Hardcore straight edge punk, Indie, Electropop, 80-90's hip hop, 90's grunge/alternative

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to be as happy as I can be with myself and get my confidence back to 110%

    8. do you have any pets......1 dog, Siberian Husky-Neku is his name-o

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey.....to be that older good looking gentleman that is slim and slender and has an overall athletic aura to him and his family

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....chicken and broccoli!