I'll feel better when......

Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I lose 10 more lbs.......
I can fit into a size smaller.....
I weigh less then my fiance....

Instead of enjoying how much I've lost, I find myself telling myself, well as soon as I do ...... I'll feel like I've really acomplished something. I wonder why I can't be happy with what I've done?

When do you tell yourself you'll be allowed to be happy about your weightloss? When do you tell yourself you'll really see the differnce?


  • joshholl
    joshholl Posts: 17
    For me, it will be when im under 250, or about another 60? lbs, after that is when my weight started really affecting my life. Once im back to that, i know ill be back on the path to happiness. But as long as i'm seeing progress i have hope.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    The honest truth, is that I will be happy with myself when I look in the mirror and say to myself, now is the time to start working on maintainence. until then I am not totally happy with myself.

    Its mental issues that need to be gotten past, but I am still trying to figure out how to do that.
  • Carek99
    Carek99 Posts: 25 Member
    I read a blog yesterday in which the person went to the grocery store and loaded up a cart with butter equal in weight to what he lost. Since butter is about the same mass as fat (I believe) you can take a moment and look at how much has come off of you.

    It might help.
  • angmac1976
    angmac1976 Posts: 32 Member
    I have no idea - I understand you completely though - I'm exactly the same way.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    When I can buy clothes at any store
  • ktieman
    ktieman Posts: 45 Member
    Any weight loss is good weight lost. Stop being so harsh on yourself, and when you catch yourself being harsh; stop, think to yourself "i've lost 31 lbs", good for me"!!!! We are own worse critics; but the little voices in our head need to be put in check. :happy:
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I'm pretty sure happiness doesn't come from losing the weight, but from your attitude and your love of yourself. I don't mean egotistical love of self...just simply loving yourself enough to take care of you and make you a priority in your life. :)

    I thought I'd be happy at 135 -- wasn't
    I thought I'd be happy at 130 -- wasn't
    I thought I'd be happy at 125 -- not really...there is always something I don't like about me.

    So, I'm still learning and it really is a difficult thing to do for me ... to be happy with me.
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Everyone is different, and for some people, they picture in their heads the way they think they will look after their weight loss, and when the image in their head is different from reality, they get discouraged.

    For me, I will feel better when I can walk up the 5 flights of stairs in my apartment building without sweating and being out of breath.

    I will feel better when I can walk around in the summer in a T-shirt, instead of a sweater to hide my fat.

    I will feel better when I can look in the mirror and smile at the person looking back at me.

    Don't be discouraged if the scale doesn't move every day, or you cheat one day and gain a pound back. Everyone here has a lot of support and each and every one of us CAN DO THIS!

    We should all feel better when we are healthy. We don't all need to be a size 2 to look or feel good about ourselves.
  • LaurieEReid
    LaurieEReid Posts: 273
    You've lost 31 pounds! Dance the victory dance every day!

    For me it was when my pants were falling down and I bought new, smaller ones. That's when everybody at work noticed.
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member

    For me it was when my pants were falling down and I bought new, smaller ones.

    My pants still fit, how crazy is that? I can imagine doing the happy dance once they do fall down though!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I *think* it will be when I can walk in any store and buy off the rack, not have to go to a specialty store or ask for the "big girl" section.
  • Plarmore
    Plarmore Posts: 17
    For me it's really a series of things that have little to do with how much I actually weigh.

    When I get dressed in the morning and tuck in a shirt...I don't have to tug on it for 10 minutes trying to find that perfect balance between it hiding my fat while not making me look bigger.

    When that same shirt stays tucked in all day.

    When the waist band of my pants isn't all bent out of shape at the end of the day because belly has been folding it over.

    When I look straight down and I can't see my belly past my chest (guy writing this)

    When riding the motorcycle and hitting an unexpected bump in the road...nothing jiggles.

    These are some of the things I'm looking forward to and will be satisfied when they are achieved.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Honestly, (and I have a LONG way to go) I have found that I'm happier with myself just for being on here, being aware of myself, my weaknesses, my strengths, and my goals. I am happy now, because I know this is not how I'll look 6 months from now, or a year from how. I'm happy with myself now, because I've been able to stick with this for a month with no help from anyone (besides the great friends here!), with no diet gimmicks, no real extra expense of joining a gym (besides the couple weights, and karate that I've been at for 2 years). I'm happy that when I look in the mirror, right now, I can already see a difference in my fat arms. I'm REALLY happy that I am capable of making a healthy meal for my family that tastes REALLY good!

    I am honestly happy with myself right now. I've noticed just in the last couple weeks, that I'm walking taller, I'm smiling more, I have more overall energy, and especially more confidence. I'm happy right now that I got through the first week of C25K and have successfully moved on to week 2! I am thrilled that I can actually jog further than I could 2 weeks ago! :)

    I'm happy with this whole process. It really thrills me to think that I am doing something good for myself, and on here, at MFP, I'm able to help other people by offering words of encouragement...

    Seriously.. I know it sounds totally sappy, but it's absolutely true...I'm happier with myself right now, than I've been in about 8 years....
  • Menene
    Menene Posts: 121 Member
    I'm happy now, even though I weight 250lbs. I losted 55 pounds, I feel better, I have more energy, I feel more socialable, So if i dont lose another pound. I am happy. Any weight loss is a good loss, be it 5 pounds or 100 pounds. Just to be active again is enough for me.
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