
Hey everyone!! Well my softball season is over and I am sad to say there was very little running in my life for the past few months. Before softball, I was running everyday and running (well, jogging) for probobly 30-45 minutes straight. (I built up to this in about a month) Well I am in highschool so I am not in horrible shape and would like to start the c25k but I am already in better shape than week 1 and I feel like doing that is pointless. Is there a good point that I could jump in like not too much like a little lower than the middle? Or is this not reccomended? I don't know but I wouldreally like to be able to run 5k! Thanks guys, please let me know what you reccomend!!


  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    I've been using C25K & I love it. It really eases you into the longer runs & you can download your own music. Also once you are totally awesome and want to run farther, there is Bridge to 10K (B210K)! Good luck! :-)