30 Day Shred LEVEL 2 - SCARED



  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Think I'll stick to L1 after reading these replies.
  • hanario
    hanario Posts: 6
    I agree at defnintely finding level 2 the hardest! Makes me sweat ALOT.
    But as everyones said, it just depends on your particular strengths....

    But i do love with the dvd how each level works in different muscles.

    Stick with it, and you'll be fine!!!!
  • Caroline9252
    Thanks Everyone!!! I will be doing level 2 tonight. I will post some feedback after. These planks have me freaknig out! I am going to push really hard! I really want to do this for 30 days! It will feel so good to complete it. :wink:
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    Ha! It's so interesting how different people react to different things. I thought level 2 was the hardest level on the DVD.

    I totally agree with you! I am halfway through level 3 and it only took a couple of days to get more comfortable with the moves. I felt like I was pushing to keep up through the entire time on level 2!!
  • SarahLovesCheesecake
    Report from last nights shred...My dvd player started playing up at 14 minutes and coming up 'no signal'....I was shattered as Id done some leg work earlier that day. However I got it working again, but thought I was off the hook lol
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    Today will be day 5 of level 2 for me... it does get easier everyday but i find level 2 to be very tough. I did the shred once before, quit during level 3 bc i got bored (and burnt out from level 2 still) but I thought level 3 was easier than level 2 !
    I have no upper arm strength so level 2 does hurt my shoulders and I find it difficult.. but at the same time, I always feel great when I finish!