Night out day before weigh-in :-S

I'm looking for some advice.....i have avoided alchol for the last 5 weeks however i am having a night out with the girls this weekend and would like to have a few drinks. However it's my weigh in the next day and i know im going to be gutted if i put on. Anyone have any suggestions of drinks to have or whether upping the exercise from now till Monday will counter the alcohol i will consume?! Thanks


  • donkeybum
    donkeybum Posts: 6
    Maybe try mixing with sparkling water, a shot of vodka is about 55 calories, mixing it with sparkling water will only add a couple of calories, but it still tastes lovely! You could always weigh yourself a day early and work extra hard the following days to make up for the alcohol intake before the next weigh in :)
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    My personal favorite is a bloody mary, if you can stand them. Only 130 calories. And really, you're getting a veggie intake each drink! :)

    Whenever I go out with friends and hit the bar/club/whatever, I eat light - normally a very light side salad and light/fat free dressing or split an appetizer with a friend. And the bloody marys have really been helping me get my "drink on", yet, staying pretty well on track!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Dance a lot!
  • tavamynt
    tavamynt Posts: 5 Member
    I agree with the other poster. Weigh in early or weigh in 2 days after your splurge. No matter how little food you eat that day, the alcohol will make your weight go up considerably. I have one alcohol day a week--Sat. after my morning weigh in and it never goes back down until about Wed. but I do still end up losing.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Drinking seriously affects my weight-in, because it sort of sucks up all my water and then I end up lighter the next day. Of course, thats not my real weight, and so I recommend just doing the weight in one day EARLIER and count that, and then continue next week as if nothing happened:)
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I like the recommendation of dancing! Vodka has the lowest amount of calories out of any alcohol, so if you mix it with sparkling water, tonic water or even diet sprite, you should be okay. I am not a diet soda fan, but the alcohol counteracts the bittersweet taste to me. Stay away from beer and any girly drinks that are high in sugars. Also, be certain to drink a lot of water before, during and after drinking.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I do my weigh-in a day early if I know I'm going to be going out the night before.
  • GemUK84
    GemUK84 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi all, thanks for the tips. I actually prefer diet soda but find here in the uk the only diet soda you can get in bars and clubs is coke and I prefer lemonade as a mixer. I think I might go with the weigh in a day early idea. I'm hoping that the increase in exercise I have done this week will mean a decent loss so less guilt about the drinks :-)
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I don't think it's going to affect your weight, but I could be wrong? As far as I know, the weight doesn't immediately go on and anyway you'd have to eat 3500 calories OVER your maintenance amount to gain a lb.

    Also in my experience i pee everything out faster when I'm drinking so you should be lighter than ever, right??? Haha okay maybe not but seriously a couple sugary drinks the night before can't affect things that much. It's consistent overeating that packs on the pounds after a while
  • las5184
    las5184 Posts: 8 Member
    When I go out I always drink diet and vodka. Its only about 60 calories. That way I don't feel so guilty about drinking. I can only handle a few so usually it only adds 220 calories to my day.