How hard can this be?

Options answers, please. That's a rhetorical question that we ALL know the answer to.

I've been around this mountain quite a few times. I lost 60 pounds, primarily through exercise, twelve years ago. I had not reached my goal when I got pregnant with my son and over the course of five years I gained those pounds back plus about 20 more. I then started a very strict dietary regimen and lost 85 pounds. I felt great, I looked great...and felt completely entitled to, as a "skinny chick," indulge in treats that I'd shunned for the year during which I had dieted intensely. Treats became habits and, now, three years later, I've gained back almost 80 pounds.

I'm tired, I'm depressed, I'm ashamed, and I can't keep up with my son like I could when I was smaller. As I approach my 40th birthday, I feel guilt because I'm gambling with my future by carrying around all of these extra pounds. My knees are going to pay, my heart is going to pay, my social life is already paying, and my SON is going to pay...IF I don't make a U-turn and get back to a healthier weight. I'm convinced that neither of the extreme regimens from my past will do the trick for me to fully and PERMANENTLY achieve a healthy weight and life style. I know I need to exercise but I don't have the time (or desire) to spend 2-3 hours in the gym 6 days a week the way I did before my son came along. I also don't think that complete deprivation and extreme consumption regulations are going to be a viable way for me to achieve my goals. I just want balance and moderation.

I started using about 5 days ago. It started with downloading the app on my phone and just thinking about my choices. When I started entering what I was taking in, I felt more motivated to consume smaller portions. I'm struggling a lot with wanting to rebel and indulge but I'm working hard to talk myself out of that rebellion from the extreme diet I went on the last time I lost weight. I'm still struggling with my habit of indulging in the post-bedtime binge but last night I managed to stay out of the kitchen after my son was tucked in for the night. It sounds trivial, but that was a victory! If I can turn that small victory into string of them, I know I can reinstate that good, healthy habit. Just that one habit could result in a radically positive outcome. If I add a few others (like smaller portions, less on-the-go meals, and simple activities like walks and bike rides), I know I can reach my goals and maintain them. Small sacrifices and small indulgences...that's gonna be my mantra for awhile!


  • jaimejean478
    jaimejean478 Posts: 152 Member
    Welcome! It sounds like you certainly have the right personal motivation at home, now let us help you when you need to vent about those sabotage-indulgences that you (and all of us!) crave! Good Luck!

    Sending a friend request your way.
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    Ps. A word of clarification: when I said, "No answers, please," I meant answers to the question of how hard could this be. ;-) I'd love to hear suggestions or things that have worked for others and would also love to network with others who are struggling like me. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one trying hard to become a "loser!" Hee hee!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    You can do this, right now, today. You've already taken the first steps. There will be setbacks, but don't lose momentum. Your health is at the end of this road. Go get it! :wink: :wink:

    When you get down, discouraged, use this website. It's a blessing. I look at the success stories daily and they help me quite a bit.

    As for not having time to exercise, what exercise are you doing and how can you capitalize on it? Some of my exercise is the shopping I do normally. I go up and down extra aisles, instead of going in a progressive order to pick up items, I actually go back and forth across the store a bit. (I'm sure the employees think I'm nuts.) Park by the door? Pfft, park far back and walk. I try to carry my groceries out there too if it's not too much stuff.

    Sometimes I exercise in bed while I watch television. Sit ups, leg lifts, floor exercises.

    Once I started to feel better, getting on the treadmill got easier.

    You can do this. You've done it before, but this time... this time your son is part of your prize and I know you're going to do it right. :smile:
  • sandramoore66
    Hey thatgirl,

    It sounds like you and I are in the same boat. I think you just have to get to a point of "I'm just sick of this!" to really want to change. I was watching the Biggest Loser finale last night and it was so inspiring to see the before and after pictures. There was one girl who had lost 100 lbs ever before getting on the show and lost quite a bit more but still had a way to go. She had the most incredible spirit. She said that she just got it in her mind that she was going to change and she was determined to do excuses. You could just see that fire in her eyes! But it's hard to keep that fire going...that's why this site is so great.

    Friend me! I would love to join you in your journey. My husband and I quit the gym and got the Power 90 DVDs. They are only 30 min long and totally doable. Maybe workout DVDs can work into your schedule?

    Good luck and look forward to hearing from you!

  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Jill_newimprovedversion Posts: 988 Member
    You are not alone on this journey. Surround yourself w/ good friends who will cheer you on- and lift you up when you're down. For me, making my food choices a public thing (even my binges at the beginning) helped me stay on track- holding myself accountable.

    I would be honored to be your friend on this journey to a new lifestyle- not another diet. One that you'll make better food choices, pay attention to what you're eating ( and curbing mindless snacking ) and gain more energy.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm with you: lots of small victories are way better than keeping your eye on the "big number". Good for you!

    For me, other small goals that help keep me motivated include drinking more water (really knocks my hunger pains down), eating more fresh food as opposed to stuff that comes in boxes and cans (my sodium levels have dropped in a big, big way), and walking (my first walk a little over 3 months ago was for about 15 minutes and I was completely whipped; last week I walked 4 miles -- yeah, MILES -- without a break). All these little victories keep me going ... along with remembering that every day is a fresh start.

    Feel free to friend me if you want some pals along for the journey. Forward we go! :)
  • DiamondofDestiny
    DiamondofDestiny Posts: 1 Member
    Wow!! I feel exactly like that! I feel rebellious and habits are so hard to break. I was feeling rebellious and didn't want to log in and record my intake and then I used the storm and threat of a Tornado to indulge in some binge eating. Felt bad though because I believe this tool will help me to do what I have been struggling to do for a long time. Your story has really been encouraging to me. Thank you. I hope you keep posting. Have a good day.
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    One day at a time, don't set any large goals, start by just setting a small goal of say 2 pounds and so on. Think of this journey as getting healthy, not of losing weight, the weight will go as you start changing your eating habits and exercise, baby steps. Speaking of that I don't know how old your litte one is but you can make this fun for him and you....make every play moment a fitness moment. Sit on the floor, legs straight out and him facing you, hold onto his hands and do sit ups, you lean back then lean him back, he will giggle and so will you do several reps. Changing diapers, do squats while you change him on the table, as you go down make a fun noise and as you pop back up make a fun sound to make him giggle. Sit him on your foot and do leg lifts on each leg, lifting him high in the air , great for the thighs and hips. Dance with him on your hip. There are so many things you can do to exercise and it will be play time all day long.

    Two hours in a gym, who has time for that, not many, but if the baby is still small enough to hold in a sling then go walking on the treadmill with him. Stroll around the block several times. Heres's to a healthier life.... 18 pounds lost since Dec. 26th, slow an easy wins the race.
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    You gals really know how to get a girl all excited about this! As I total newbie to the site, I have no idea how to friend y'all or find friend requests you may have sent but I'll figure it out. :wink: Thanks for your encouragement and ideas! I KNOW I can do this (and I know YOU all can too!). It's kind of thrilling to realize that there are other people willing to nudge me along and it makes me want to be strong for others, too, when they are having a hard time staying on track. Thank you all so much!!! I'm encouraged and optimistic!
  • rhodenizer
    rhodenizer Posts: 95 Member
    Hey are you doing it has been a few days since you posted? Hope you are working on making a life change, it sure makes a person look at life differently and feel good about yourself. Thinking of your success..