I was heading our for pizza when...

PNWriter Posts: 223 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I ganed 1 lb. last week. I weighed myself today (4 days after my weigh in) and gained ANOTHER .5. That means in 10 days I'm up 1.5 pounds. I'm exercising like a feind. I'm logging my food and am often under cals (but NEVER below 1200-1300 and I weigh 245 so I won't be going into starvation mode for sure). I said "@#$% it!" And I decided to go to Papa Johns, order pizza and breadsticks and REAL soda and just screw it all. Let me tell ya. I was so close to caving. I was at the door with keys in hand and decided not to. I made a turkey sandwich on an orowheat thin, carrots, nuts and string cheese for lunch and cleaned the house. I'm still frustrated and I did shed a few tears but didn't stray. One of THE hardest days I've had. I'm posting this because I'm sure one of you out there has had similar days and maybe you didn't tell anyone....well, now you have one person who's been there.


  • Losershawn
    Losershawn Posts: 152
    You can do this....so proud of you for making the positive choice. Keep it up and the evil scale will be forced to submit,
  • What an INSPIRATION to us all! I absolutely LOVE pizza, and I know if I were to cave in...that, would be my weakness! So 2 thumbs up...WAY UP, for choosing the turkey sandwich after being so close to falling off the bandwagon! Way to go!!!!!
  • GREAT job :) it can be hard i know. sometimes i'm like screw it why am i doing this? i want some food. then i remember that i'm doing this to be healthier and more self confident. keep on trying and it will work one day i promise!
  • gingerfoxxx
    gingerfoxxx Posts: 267 Member
    Girl, you are AWESOME! And next time i am about to cave, i am going to think of how you were able to say screw you to pizza, because that is not an easy thing to do.

  • Toni79927
    Toni79927 Posts: 29 Member
    Don't let the little fluctuations bother you too much, you've lost 39lb!! That's amazing! You can do this, everyone is here to support you, treat yourself once a week or so. Be strong xxx
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    OMG... I had this day last week.. Well sort of
    In my day I actually ate 1000 calories worth (2) of baked goods (before 8am)
    It was the beginning of the end of a long string of bad days.
    I was down on myself, feeling like pooh and now im back up on the horse. It will pass I promise!
    Stay strong because you have done sooo good already. I know you can keep going!
  • katijjane
    katijjane Posts: 57 Member
    well done! pizza is my main weakness. and pringles.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    oh wow. I hope you get some good guidance. I really don't know what is stopping weight loss for you or making you gain. I will say WAY TO GO!!!!----for not caving in:smile:

    You're a winner in my book:)) Hang in there. I am interested to see the replies you get. Is your diary open??? I could take a peek if you like. I am a sodium nut....so that would be the first thing I look at. If it is sodium...yes, yes, yes....you will be retaining water and seem heavier on the scale.

    Best of luck dear:flowerforyou:

    Don't give up!!!


    Just checked out your diary.....I am not 100% but it could be the sodium. I noticed a few days you went over on sodium or cut it pretty close. Maybe just drink lots and lots of water and see if that helps. On bad sodium days for me...I usually gain 2-3 pounds and if it is several days in a row...I am up about 5. I squeeze lemon juice in water and drink all day. Hope that helps:))
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Way to go!

    I have days like that, too, and sometimes I even cave. It is so hard to keep eating healthy and working out when you see the scale climb, but you're doing the right thing. Remember that the scale is only 1 number -- there may be lots of factors going on here. Could you possibly be gaining muscle? Are your clothes fitting better? Perhaps the weight gain is water retention. Are the exercises that you are doing making you feel better?

    Give it time -- and keep up the good work!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    Good job!!!! It is so hard to fight off temptation like that. You are my hero.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    That's great for you, that couldn't have been easy! I know how it is, and I've had those days too. You should be so proud of yourself. Don't worry though the weight will start coming off again, it's just stubborn sometimes. Make sure you're sodium intake is below the daily recommended amount so you don't retain water.
  • ldon37
    ldon37 Posts: 145 Member
    Great job for not throwing in the towel!! We have all had those frustrating days, and it is tempting to just give up sometimes. Just hang in there! If you keep eating well and following mfp's guidelines, you WILL lose weight. Try to remember that time is going to continue to pass by and it is up to us how we will look after that passage of time. In, say, 6 months, you can either be the same weight, gained weight (NO!), or you can be a much slimmer, happier you. Great job and keep up the good work!!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    You are building muscles. Muscles are heavier, per square inch, than fat. Have you measured yourself? You may have lost in inches during this time where the scale seems to be frozen or worse. Are your clothes lose? Measure yourself about once per month.
    Does your TOM cause you to bloat, i.e., hold water? That, too, shall pass when your TOM ends.
    You are eating well and exercising and drinking lots of water and not taking on lots of salt.
    You can do this--we all believe in you! :drinker:
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Just checked out your diary.....I am not 100% but it could be the sodium. I noticed a few days you went over on sodium or cut it pretty close. Maybe just drink lots and lots of water and see if that helps. On bad sodium days for me...I usually gain 2-3 pounds and if it is several days in a row...I am up about 5. I squeeze lemon juice in water and drink all day. Hope that helps:))
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    1 day of caving won't hurt in the long run, as long as you climb back on the train the next day. 2 weeks ago I had several days within that week that I was over. Pizza twice then another high calorie dinner at the end of the week. I gained that week, but of course knew why. The following week I lost it plus some because I climbed back onboard. I also feel that the occasional cave to cravings can help in the long run. so don't feel bad if you do end up caving the next time.

    Good Luck!
  • beckusjane
    beckusjane Posts: 112
    Your will power always amazes me!! Great job. I truly believe that the 1.5# gain is muscle. You work out like CRAZY!
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    Great job not giving in! You are making smart choices and your hard work will pay off, dont give up :)
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