consumed all my calories..but still so hungry!!!!



  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Are you eating enough fiber and protein? Dehydration also mask itself as hunger. How much water have you had? Since your diary is locked we really can't help but only give some suggestions. It's ok to occasionally go over if you are eating healthy and your body really needs the extra calories. Have an apple, low calories but full of fiber.
  • Kerriperkins
    Kerriperkins Posts: 35 Member
    I cant see your food chart but make sure you are NOT drinking your daily calories.
    And go for a walk. Get your body moving. Dont sit and think about it. The more you move the more you burn the more you can eat.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    My dieting background is like everyone else before we found MFP...I've tried several other diet plans and for one reason or another it didn't work out that I ever keep off the weight I lose. So I offer my advice with no expertise except for my own personal experience which has become a person epiphany. This will seem like a DUH kind of moment..I feel fuller longer and I'm eating cleaner by making sure I eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Like all of the changes we are making here it took me a few weeks to really get myself committed to changing what I shopped for and I have had to learn how to cook some veggies I normally just walk right past in the store. I now make spaghetti squash (sometimes with salsa, once with bacon bits and low-fat alfredo sauce) and sweet potatoes/yams (baked or as a soup) and I have a juicer which I use to make vegetable soups and juices. I specifically mentioned the squash and sweet potatoes because I seem to feel more comforted and satisfied with a warm food vs. a cold salad. I love salad but I could eat it by the bowl full and not feel full. My 2 cents....
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Take a 30 minute (or 1 hour) walk, log it and then eat your exercise calories.

    A little late, but you may want to plan your menus ahead of time so you aren't in this predicament again.
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