Does anyone here have Fibromyalgia?

AmesLee78 Posts: 111
Just wanted to know if anyone was going through the weight loss thing and also have Fibro? What do you do for exercise? I was diagnosed in 2006 (although I suffered for 6 years before someone would finally listen to me.) I am absolutely certain a big part of my weight gain is from the Fibro and fatigue, etc.

Anyway, if you want to talk about Fibro and weight loss, let me know :)


  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    I got it diagnosed I think 2 or 3 yrs ago.I have trouble remembering things.I just walk and small weights and elliptical.Lately I have been havin some good days.I take my meds and just push through they help a little.Somedays though its so bad I have to walk with a cane.water exercise and yoga seem to help a lot have to do a little at a time and build up.Its hard but can be done.Good Luck!
  • ddalhoff
    ddalhoff Posts: 48
    Yes I have it!!!! Thank goodness someone else to talk to!!
    I just started today and was suppose to walk but did not get too:( Just going to try baby steps and see what happens. Something is better than nothing. I figure if I can walk some first thing in the morning before I get too tired it might help.
    Add me as a friend....
  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    My mom has it. She used to be a lot heavier than she is now and I think for the most part it was her starting dog walking because she's pretty much walking at least 3 hours everyday even though technically she's always running around for other things. She also takes a lot of vitamins and isn't on any medication.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi there... I have fibro as well.
    The key is to start with low amounts of exercise consistently and gradually increase that exercise. Know you that you will have delayed onset soreness (soreness 2 days after exercise) but also know that gentle exercise is great for your fibromyalgia.

    I started out walking... and then light episodes of jogging..... and now I have completed 3 half marathons (run/walk) and almost done with P90X ... can I bring it like other people can ... no ... but I can do my best and continue to push myself!

    Big hugs... it can be done ok!
  • My mom has fibromyalgia and has been trying to lose weight for years. She also walked on 2 broken hips for years, so I think her brain has taught her to deal with the pain a lot better than most. I know she relies more on dieting than excersizing. Her work is all on her feet, since she works in a hospital 3 nights a week, but when she has good days where she isnt in a lot of pain or tired, she takes our dogs for 20 min walks or uses an elliptical. For the most part she loses her weight from dieting. I am sooo proud of her for doing everything she's done. If she can do it, you can do it!
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Thanks Emma....I am starting out slowly with our exercise bike. The first time I barely made it to 20 minutes before I had to stop, the 2nd and 3rd times I made it to 35 minutes. Tonight I only made it 20, but that's because I have a migraine coming on :( Do you get Fibro headaches or migraines alot? They suck!

    Anyway, thanks again for the encouragement :)
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I have it. They put me on meds about a year ago that helped.
  • AmesLee78
    AmesLee78 Posts: 111
    Do you mind if I ask which meds you are on? The only meds I've been offered is Lyrica and I refuse to take it. I am on Cymbalta for depression and it's supposed to help with the pain, but it doesn't.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    Good to know about the cymbalta.They tried to put me on it and I didnt want to be on it. I am on a muscle relaxer and as for pain I try to grin and bare it.If it gets bad then I take a couple advil Liquid gels. It helps some and I have also found that drinking lots of water and stretching helps.I also found this stuff called Tart cherry Juice it was mentioned on DR oz Im a big fan.Anyhow it comes straight from Traverse,Michagin and it is supposedly a natural anti inflammatory and also helps you sleep well.I had a hard time finding it but then found it in a health food store,then a Ingles-not sure if Ingles is everywhere-I live in GA.Anyhow,its under Indian Summer brand and its tart cherry juice.I usually drink a glass before bed or I mix it with a half a glass of Perrier to take a little of the tartness out. Its all natural and I love it:) Hope all this info is helpful to everyone:)
  • rachpiper720
    rachpiper720 Posts: 204
    Hey! I was diagnosed in 2005 and have pretty much had the symptoms since I was little. I have pain all the time, but I have found that if I am sore from exercise, the fibro pain doesn't bother me as much. I started out slowly exercising and I have been able to complete P90x, and now I do some high intensity exercises. I do have to listen to my body A LOT and make sure I don't run over that fine line of over-doing it. I also have to worry about not doing enough exercises as well, otherwise I get into fibro fog and pain.

    I recently changed from the food pyramid to the Primal Blueprint way of eating. It basically cuts out all grains, legumes, and sugar. I have noticed a HUGE change in my energy level and a SIGNIFICANT decrease in my pain. I talked to my massage therapist, and she said carbohydrates actually increase inflammation which can exacerbate fibro symptoms. I know of a few other people with fibro who have switched to the Primal eating style and have also had the same good experiences. Add me or message me if you have questions.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    wow all carbs? I thought thats where you get energy... I dont think I do too many but that sounds like a hard change in eating or it would be for me...Il have to google it.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2002. I never really accepted it. Now that I am trying to work out more, the aches and pains do hinder my progress and I do stop for a few days here and there. But I keep trotting right along.

    I have been on every Fibro med and nothing works for me. Found out that I am allergic to Lyrica. It got to the point where I was being shifted towards Narcotics because nothing seemed to work. uhm NO!!! I refused! I do not want to be a zombie. I missed out on so many months of my childrens early years when I was first diagnosed, being a guinea pig for every 'new' thing. Now I dont take anything and Im ok with it.
  • chex2017
    chex2017 Posts: 2 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and M/E I'm hoping weight loss and healthy eating might help
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    If you're open to it
    Medical MJ has helped me tremendously!!!
  • davisfanny
    davisfanny Posts: 35 Member
    AmesLee78 wrote: »
    Just wanted to know if anyone was going through the weight loss thing and also have Fibro? What do you do for exercise? I was diagnosed in 2006 (although I suffered for 6 years before someone would finally listen to me.) I am absolutely certain a big part of my weight gain is from the Fibro and fatigue, etc.

    Anyway, if you want to talk about Fibro and weight loss, let me know :)

    I have it and it's horrible. I'm on some medicine for it. It helps but I also have back problems and that makes it worse. I'm Fanny by the way. How are you?
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Hope you don't mind me asking but I wonder if I have been misdiagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I tested positive for RF but don't have any morning stiffness and my anti CCP came back normal. Mainly I get muscle fatigue and when it flares I can end up taking to my bed, also standing for more than 15-20 minute (like when washing dishes) my legs and bum become sore and feel like it is burning. When it is bad I can't stand to be hugged and don't want anyone to touch me. When I am not in flare it hurts if the cat jumps up on my legs and if someone pushes past me when I am sitting on the couch the inner side of my knee hurts like hell. So far I have told Dr's but they fob me off, my RA they say is mild so haven't sent me to a Rheumatoid specialist. Last time I worked up the courage to go and tell them about my symptoms I got sent for blood sugar tests they just can't see beyond my obesity. Anyway thinking of changing Dr's practices as I am not getting anywhere, not looking for a miracle cure but just want to know what I am dealing with. Not looking for a diagnosis here from you all just wanting to know if I am barking up the wrong tree or not. Thanks.
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    I have fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed in 2015. I got pregnant with my daughter about 4 months after diagnosis and luckily it went into remission. Now a year later after giving birth I'm starting to flare again. I've lost 62 lbs since she was born a year ago and it has definitely helped. I have chronic fatigue but I work 48-60 hours a week as a nurse so when I'm off I'm just dead. I really try to work on my diet when I can't exercise. I mainly just walk or ride the bike for exercise. I'm starting to cut out sugar as I've read this really helps inflammation. This will be tough as I'm a sugarholic. Some days my skin just burns when touched and I ache all over like I have the flu. Even hair on my head aches. It's tough but doable. Good luck!
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    mummoid wrote: »
    Hope you don't mind me asking but I wonder if I have been misdiagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I tested positive for RF but don't have any morning stiffness and my anti CCP came back normal. Mainly I get muscle fatigue and when it flares I can end up taking to my bed, also standing for more than 15-20 minute (like when washing dishes) my legs and bum become sore and feel like it is burning. When it is bad I can't stand to be hugged and don't want anyone to touch me. When I am not in flare it hurts if the cat jumps up on my legs and if someone pushes past me when I am sitting on the couch the inner side of my knee hurts like hell. So far I have told Dr's but they fob me off, my RA they say is mild so haven't sent me to a Rheumatoid specialist. Last time I worked up the courage to go and tell them about my symptoms I got sent for blood sugar tests they just can't see beyond my obesity. Anyway thinking of changing Dr's practices as I am not getting anywhere, not looking for a miracle cure but just want to know what I am dealing with. Not looking for a diagnosis here from you all just wanting to know if I am barking up the wrong tree or not. Thanks.

    I was diagnosed with Lupus because the tests came back positive, but I don't have any of the common symptoms, just the rare ones. Autoimmune diseases usually involve multiple blood tests before being diagnosed. It wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion. You know your body better than anyone else, even doctors.
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    Just wanted to add, if you aren't happy with your doctor, find a new one. Take charge of your health. Fibromyalgia and other auto immune diseases still aren't well known to some doctors. Start with a rheumatologist or immunologist, they can't point you in the right direction. My titers for mono were through the roof and my PCP said they were the highest he had ever seen in his career. My doctor believes that having mono is what set off my fibromyalgia. Still lots to be know about fibromyalgia.
  • Dynamis600
    Dynamis600 Posts: 743 Member
    Thanks ladies I will be looking into it. Have to get a referral to a rheumatologist, but have to get past the local Dr's to get one. Going to a whole new Dr's practice so hoping things will be different this time. My blood test showed was that I had mono in the past but that has not been followed up on. Here in Australia we seem to be very much behind what you have in the States.