Anyone else have a very fit and thin spouse/SO?



  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I HATE being heavier than my husband! He 6'1, 145-150 pounds at his thinnest. He's extremely naturally lean and thin, but somehow he still has AMAZING arms (I'm a sucker for 'em) and that beautiful inverted triangle shape that fit guys have. He used to be 180, pure muscle, before I met him. But then he stopped lifting weights for various reasons. I'm 5'3, and I have no idea how much I weighed when I first met him. I would guess about 145. I gained about 10 pounds after we started dating, but it doesn't matter how bad I think I look, he is always telling me I'm beautiful/sexy blah blah blah. It isn't as good as it sounds! It's frustrating because I can't see what he sees! Now that I'm back in the 140's I definitely feel smaller but I would still love to lose about 10-15 more pounds simply to put a large weight buffer between us. He's pretty good about not offering my food if I stress that I'm trying to cut out sweets/eat healthier. But the first week I started on MFP he took me to Dairy Queen to meet with friends,...twice! And acted shocked when I wouldn't order my usual blizzard or peanut buster parfait -drool- I wish I had his metabolism....
  • Missy123556
    Missy123556 Posts: 80
    allibawtez, I don't know how he manages to be in shape when he eats calorie packed MRE's everyday!
  • Missy123556
    Missy123556 Posts: 80
    allibawtez, I don't know how he manages to be in shape when he eats calorie packed MRE's everyday!
  • KarenLouise1981
    Oh my goodness ladies you have hit the nail on the head with this one! I also have a soldier for an "other half" and he is ripped!! When we first got together 3 years ago I fell in love with his arms/shoulders before we even spoke! The first time we went for dinner, I couldnt believe how much he ate! In fact everytime i saw him after that I think he had something in his mouth! It makes me sick as I've put on about 30lbs since we met (and i'm only 5'5!) and he has the tiniest, weeniest, pathetic love handles next to his washboard stomach and he thinks he's fat!!!

    Oe thing I will say though is he has NEVER commented on my weight - he has listened to me whine on, cry, throw tantrums while getting dressed and ocassionally canning dinner dates because I had nothing to wear and just put his arms around me and told me i'm still gorgeous. And I thank him for that - in fact I thank him every single week for putting up with me - I know I couldnt do it lol!

    Even now I have lost almost 20lbs and he is overseas for 6 months so not seen and he's begging me not to lose my bum!! Baby - that was the first thing I worked on!!!
  • bluellies
    bluellies Posts: 82 Member
    I am so glad that there are others with a similar situation to me. Makes it easier to cope :)
  • allibawtez
    allibawtez Posts: 47
    LOL @ Tawneekay