Anyone else have Metatarsalgia??

I already suffer from plantar fasciitis, however recently it hasn't been acting up too bad. I'm currently training for a half marathon, so I run 3 times a week; two short runs and a long run on Sundays. For the past two days, the ball of my right foot has been very, very sore; the pain worsens when I put pressure on my foot, and when I flex. My Mum suffers from Metatarsalgia, and the pain I'm feeling sounds very similar to the pain she describes in her feet.

What I'm wondering is; is there anyone out there who suffers or has suffered from this condition, and if so, how did you get rid of it? How long did it take? Any tips/suggestions as to how to ease the pain and speed the recovery process? I plan on getting to the doctor to get properly diagnosed, but she's about three weeks behind when it comes to appointments so I'd like to start down the road to self-recovery while I'm waiting.

Thanks everyone!


  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Bump, hoping someone has some insight to this!
  • CountryGrrrrl
    HA - what do you know.... This happens to me when I don't have enough padding in the heel of my running shoes. I bought some of the Dr. Scholl's heel pads and put them in my running shoes and "voila!" pain is gone.
  • CountryGrrrrl
    Oh, and it took about 2 weeks of icing it and not running on it to get the pain to go away... good luck