N00by N00b - 40lbs down 50lbs to go!

Hiii everyone! My name is Shel. =]

I downloaded MFP on my iPod touch about a month ago. I used it occasionally... but now I've gotten very serious about my weight lost and a few days ago signed up to the site. ^___^

About a year ago(April '10) I started to work on my weight issues. I was about 268lbs then... by August '10 I dropped 30 lbs.
Then I slacked off majorly and lost about another 10lbs from then to now -- May '11(currently 229lbs).

My ultimate goal is 175lbs.

Wish me luck!! D8


  • adrianamezam
    welcome, shel! im fairly new here, too. just started about 12 days ago. i know you can reach your goal! this website has been a HUGE motivator for me! friend me if you need support! :D good luck! i know you can do it!!
  • Chikeebabe
    Chikeebabe Posts: 41 Member
    Welcome to the site. Sounds like you are on the right track. Keep up the good work!
  • xshelshel
    xshelshel Posts: 5
    Thank you guys ^____^