Oodles of questions.....



  • tpwhite2000
    1. Some people like to weigh themselves every day, others once a week. It is a matter of choice. I find that if I weigh myself everyday I get too caught up in the numbers, but other people are fine with it. Just remember if you do weigh yourself everyday to be objective about it, and not worry about it being too high or too low. I weigh myself on the first and fifteenth of every month.

    2. As far as side dishes go: One of my favorites is grilled bell peppers and summer squash. If you like egg plant you can add some. Just add some olive oil, and toss on the grill/broiler for a few minutes. But the trick is to add variety to your foods. You will find stuff you and your kids will like and stuff you wont like through trial and error.

    3. I don't have a free day, but I also have a strict rule to never feel guilty about what I eat. A lot of diet plans use a free day, because it prevents the metabolism from slowing down. But those diets are pretty calorie restrictive. If you eat a diet which is moderately low in calories, (like I eat), then there really isn't a need for a "free day." But a lot of people like them, and there really isn't anything wrong with them, but if not careful they can cause you to binge.