I've lost 111lbs but still not happy?



  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. You did great. Personally, I don't think you should lose more. You look great! Losing more weight, I think you may look skinny, and start to look sick. I suggest you to start maintaining your weight and start strenght training. I would strongly suggest something like P90X. It's a difficult program and being able to see improvement from week to week will keep you motivated and excited! You have probably seen some of the before/after P90X pictures on this forum.. they can be amazing if you put in the hard work. Or have a fitness goal in mind and focus on that. Like running a certain distance or playing a certain sport or getting a really ripped back. (I can't say anything about the excess skin on your tummy, I don't know if it will go away on it's own or if working out would help. Unfortunetely, it happens when the weight loss is too fast)

    I know how you feel about getting to goal weight and ... 'what do I do next'! This has been a passtime and focus for the last 6 months. It's like a hobby of some sort, an addiction too. Try moving your focus to toning your body. You will notice a lean, nice muscle definition in no time!
    Thank you!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    You have done an amazing job!! My biggest problem is
    my stomach as well eveything else is shrinking and i still
    look 6 months preg
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Well done on your weight loss, thats fabulous!!!!!! looked at your pics and you deffo have no fat in your tummy area, unfortunately it is excess skin which i have too from 2 pregnancies and cant shift. like yourself, i look fine standing or laying flat but when it comes to being in a plank position i look down n see it just hanging :( the skin does shrink back as far as it can but unfortunately when it has been over stretched, it wont go back fully, (like an overstretched elastic band) we just got to try and live with it hun :flowerforyou:
    Thanks for the reply!
    I was really hoping it wasn't excess skin but it does seem that way, at least if it was fat I could get rid of it.

    Another question, seeing as I've been very overweight most of my life until now I honestly have no idea how my body should look, so some other peoples honest views would be great, I don't mind negative feedback at all because at least I can hopefully improve on the areas people mention.

    In the pictures above do you think I'm over weight, underweight? do I need to lose anymore weight? what about tone and muscle? do I need to work on that?

    Thanks! :smile:

    I think your size and shape looks perfect, you dont look like you need to lose any more weight and by your upper body id say youve been deffo hitting the weights so id keep up with the strength training and build more muscle ( the muscle you do have looks pretty damn good) and maybe you could introduce a regular core work out, this will increase your ab muscles so your skin isnt as loose,. ive been doing a lot of core hiit work over the last 4 weeks and i can deffo notice a difference in such a short time :smile: your more than welcome to friend me for support hun.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    I think your size and shape looks perfect, you dont look like you need to lose any more weight and by your upper body id say youve been deffo hitting the weights so id keep up with the strength training and build more muscle ( the muscle you do have looks pretty damn good) and maybe you could introduce a regular core work out, this will increase your ab muscles so your skin isnt as loose,. ive been doing a lot of core hiit work over the last 4 weeks and i can deffo notice a difference in such a short time :smile: your more than welcome to friend me for support hun.
    Aww thank you!
    I've been looking up core exercises, they sound ideal but are they ok to do with a bad/damaged back?
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    That would depend on how bad or what injury you have to your back. Core work should really not involve your neck or back as you lift from the ab and lower back muscles. maybe just try out a few moves and see whats comfortable for you then build it up. you could also try standing holding a medicine ball or a heavy weight and do twists, they will work your obliques.theres also standing crunches, hold your arms up above your head and in turn raise your leg straight and bring your arms down to meet your toe. also get a swiss ball and sit on the edge of it to do your crunches, very easy on the back. also seen this on another thread you could try http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/ms-fit5.htm
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    That would depend on how bad or what injury you have to your back. Core work should really not involve your neck or back as you lift from the ab and lower back muscles. maybe just try out a few moves and see whats comfortable for you then build it up. you could also try standing holding a medicine ball or a heavy weight and do twists, they will work your obliques.theres also standing crunches, hold your arms up above your head and in turn raise your leg straight and bring your arms down to meet your toe. also get a swiss ball and sit on the edge of it to do your crunches, very easy on the back. also seen this on another thread you could try http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/ms-fit5.htm
    I have a damaged disc which needs an operation at some point, the sponge stuff that is between the discs has crumbled at L4-L5 (lumber) and has caused the nerves to be compressed, causes sciatica, leg weakness etc (lovely eh!), I'm on strong pain killers so can still work out (oops lol), I do normal sit ups (about 150-200), leg raises (50-100) and side ones (upto 75 each side at the moment) normally 3 times a week but not tried much else on the abdominal area tbh.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    hey well thats not bad going, at least you can do some. i also have damaged discs in my neck that cant be repaired but after 10 years of living with it i kind of know what i can and cannot do from trial and error. i must say though that since building muscle in the ab and lower back area im not in as much pain as i used to be so theres something positive for you. i would deffo try the swiss ball, theres no pull or ache on your back and you can get one with a pump from sports direct for £5.
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Ok, been looking up excess skin on google and I am definitely lucky at how little I do have as it looks like people can get it VERY bad?! so yeah, lucky in that respect.

    Still not sure what I should weigh though, I do feel I still need to lose a few lbs?
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    Still not sure what I should weigh though, I do feel I still need to lose a few lbs?
    Anyone? :smile:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    How could you not be happy with what you have accomplished. You are awsome and an inspiration to everyone on here. Keep up the good work and smile. You are doing great.
    You lost 116 lbs since Jan. of this year?
  • FK1983
    FK1983 Posts: 186 Member
    You lost 116 lbs since Jan. of this year?
    102lbs From July 2010 to January 2011, I've lost 116lbs in total :smile:
  • catlady100
    catlady100 Posts: 154
    From where i'm sitting, no it doesn't look like you need to lose any more weight. you look great
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You lost 116 lbs since Jan. of this year?
    102lbs From July 2010 to January 2011, I've lost 116lbs in total :smile:
