So, the past week and a half I've been really cracking down on getting rid of my extra 40+ lbs.
I've been eating clean (no processed foods) and hired a personal trainer 2 days a week. I've even started running more.
And what happens....I get on the scale today and gain a pound. I even had taken pictures and I swear I can see that large one pound from the last pictures. I mean...staying the same for this past week and a half was bad enough, but to gain a pound! How does that happen?
Makes me want to go back to eating my comfort foods....popcorn w/lots of butter, and cookies.


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You may do better in the long run allowing yourself the foods you enjoy just in moderation...especially if your feeling this way now....clean eating was never for me
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    How many calories are you eating now, especially with the extra training? These last two weeks have taught me how important it is to be eating enough.
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    maybe you've gained muscle because of the working out.
  • sixxx
    sixxx Posts: 39 Member
    Keep at it! Don't worry so much about the scales and worry about how you feel. Maybe you can discuss it with your personal trainer?
  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    DONT DO IT!!! have to remember all the strength and good foods your putting in your body can increase body wieght slightly. Your not gaining fat your gaining muscle mass!!!! Don't give up I know you can do it!!! you'll lose like 10lbs in a snap of the fingers veryyyy shortly
  • CherryBombXO
    Totally could be a pound of muscle mass, especially if you've been getting into more strength training during the week. Remember muscle weighs more than fat, so it's completely possible to gain during a week. Doesn't mean what you're doing isn't working. I say try out the same routine for another week, with the muscle you've gained you'll be able to burn more during your cardio workouts and produce more weight loss. I guarantee you'll see results next week with healthy foods and exercise! Don't fret, happens to all of us! (I had gained 2lbs before and freaked out! >.<)
  • Joanne4494
    Joanne4494 Posts: 26 Member
    Step away from the popcorn!! If you can see a change in your body then what does it matter what the scales say, try weighing again in the morning the scales might be just having a off day. : ) Good luck.
  • gldnhthr
    gldnhthr Posts: 8 Member
    I did the same thing about a month ago! I ate better and worked out EVERY DAY for 7 days at Lifestyles with my mom on one of those 7 day free trials. And when I weighed in it said I had only lost 0.2! I mean come on, not even HALF a pound?? But your body is speeding to catch up wondering what the heck you're doing to it. I sat there and cried like a baby and wanted to quit. BUT I DIDN'T. and the very next week, dropped FOUR pounds. Don't quit. Don't go back to popcorn/cookies. THIS IS SO WORTH IT.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    So, the past week and a half I've been really cracking down on getting rid of my extra 40+ lbs.
    I've been eating clean (no processed foods) and hired a personal trainer 2 days a week. I've even started running more.
    And what happens....I get on the scale today and gain a pound. I even had taken pictures and I swear I can see that large one pound from the last pictures. I mean...staying the same for this past week and a half was bad enough, but to gain a pound! How does that happen?
    Makes me want to go back to eating my comfort foods....popcorn w/lots of butter, and cookies.

    If you just began working out, then this is most likely a little bit of water being stored in your muscles along with glycogen. This is normal and healthy and nothing to worry about.
  • marine0231
    marine0231 Posts: 5 Member
    I have had the same happen to me so many times-I know exactly how you feel. Here is the thing-alot of times it is an increase in muscle. Yes, I know , I know-but if you were to probably did some measurements with a tape,you may find that you have lost a inch or two somewhere.. Just hang in there.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    All the scale knows is the effect of gravity on your body. It doesn't know anything about muscle composition, water retention, how much sodium you had at dinner the night before, none of that. It is just a number that indicates very little in the overall scheme of things. What matters is that you are working toward become fitter, leaner and stronger. Don't let a scale discourage you. I would recommend you consider taking measurements, and use them as a more accurate gage of your progress.

    My scale had me gain 2 pounds after I took a shower once. (I have very short hair so water in my hair was NOT the factor... LOL)
  • new_Kendra
    new_Kendra Posts: 80
    That is how it goes the first 1 - 2 weeks, and then the 3rd week, it's like it makes up for the other weeks and just starts falling off. Hang in there! :flowerforyou: A week really isn't long enough. I know it is discouraging, but be patient.

    This week, I upped my cals to get 1200 net calories (didn't know I was supposed to eat my exercise cals back) and started 30 days shred. I stayed the same so far, although weigh-in isn't until tomorrow. Disappointed? Of course I am, but I am going to stick to it for a couple more weeks and see how it goes...even though the old way (1200 - 1290 cals w/ no exercise and when I did exercise, i didn't eat any of the cals back unless I was hungry and then only ate a little back) was working out great for me :grumble:
  • ladybug1009
    ladybug1009 Posts: 68 Member
    Don't let it discourage you. Did you feel good while eating clean?

    I don't eat clean, but when I eat better I do feel good. I haven't lost much since I've been working out like crazy and tracking my food. But I feel good and I'm going off that.

    Sometimes our bodies just like to test us a bit and that pound could be just a little bit of water retention. You most likely did not gain 1 pound of fat. Give your body a little time to adjust and you'll probably start to drop the pounds.
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Don't get discouraged.....if you are eating as you should and exercising, keep it up. remember sometimes it takes the body time to could be building muscle...also a body can hang on to fluids to metabolise & store energy and this can be reasons for weight fluctuations on the plus side. It is a good thing to keep your measurements. and during these times measure...for you can be losing inches ;)
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    You may do better in the long run allowing yourself the foods you enjoy just in moderation...especially if your feeling this way now....clean eating was never for me

    Couldn't have said it better myself!

    Although I am conscious of when I'm not "clean eating", I simply try to eat less and better. That's about it. I've lost about 50 pounds since starting my lifestyle change and while it's begun to slow down a bit, I'm enjoying the freedom of watching my body (and mind) transform into a healthier person. I'm much more interested in achieving that sustainable weight loss in that I'm not trying to lose the same 10 pounds over and over again.
  • santiago1234
    Weight loss is not a linear process. Some weeks you might gain a little weight and some weeks you may loose but if you stick your calories and exercise in the long-term I can guarentee you will loose weight. There are so many variables such as metabolism, time of day you have weigh-in etc that one week is not an good indicator.

    However, don't expect it to be a quick and easy process- the weight loss process might take many months or even many years to achieve your goal and even then you're not finished - you need to change your lifestyle completely. Achieving your weight is just the start of the process then it's a life-time of sticking to it.

    if you keep up your diet and exercise for a year and you still haven't lost weight then you should be worried but definately not after one week.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    It could just be a lot of water gain. Keep on doing what your doing and the scales will start moving again. I just went through the same exact thing. How much water do you drink?
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    water weight
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Its more than likely water retension! if you are working out more and not giving your body the rest it wants and needs your muscles will hold onto water to repair themselves!
    Its almost impossible to build muscle while dieting, you can however achieve a toned figure.
    I started exercising 5 times a week and eating right and for three weeks i saw no scale results. I then had a two day break from the gym and bam, lost 4lbs over night! The day before the weight loss i was in the loo alot, i must have been releasing water!

    On that matter, how much water do you drink? how ever much it is DRINK MORE!! water is so good for weight loss!

    stick with it! you will see a loss, it may just take a few weeks, failing that definatly take measurements!
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and help.
    As far as water goes...I went from 2-3 glasses to 6-8.
    I've always had problems getting all my water in. I've taken to having the water bottle by me at all times to try to make sure I get my 8 in.

    I'm off to my trainer now, so I'll talk t her too about the water retention. I'm thinking you all are right about that. Makes sence.