


  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    Women, stop asking us to be the soap opera guy, if you can't be the porn star woman. Just sayin'....

    *braces himself for the massive backlash he's about to receive*

    Can I rub your feet? Please?
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Women, stop asking us to be the soap opera guy, if you can't be the porn star woman. Just sayin'....

    *braces himself for the massive backlash he's about to receive*

    Can I rub your feet? Please?

    Ok. Just the left foot though. My right foot is all kinds of messed up because it got injured playing basketball last night.
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Women, stop asking us to be the soap opera guy, if you can't be the porn star woman. Just sayin'....

    *braces himself for the massive backlash he's about to receive*

    Ok so what if you are this woman and still can't get anything in return?? Hmmmm???
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    I actually do really awesome sweet things for my husband all the time!!

    I leave him notes, make him snacks, buy him cards, pick him flowers at random, take the kid grocery shopping with me just so he can have alone man time... sure I nag and b!tch with the best of them but mainly thats because I give give give and he never does anything in return.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Women, stop asking us to be the soap opera guy, if you can't be the porn star woman. Just sayin'....

    *braces himself for the massive backlash he's about to receive*

    Ok so what if you are this woman and still can't get anything in return?? Hmmmm???

    That's me!!! I think I just have a dud of a husband! I'm the one that... yeah porn star. Hey I don't look like one but everyone has their own fetish right??? lmao
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    And hey! The guys from The Big Bang Theory are sexy j/k. I personally have a periodic table t-shirt (the elements glow in the dark) and another shirt with the anatomy of the heart that says, "the way to my heart is through the vena cava". I think nerdy shirts are cool!


    I proudly wear this to the gym

    Yay! Physics was difficult for me. I took a year of it in college. Congrats if it was easier for you! I did get a B and an A, but I forgot it pretty fast after the class was over and I was done taking the MCAT.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Women, stop asking us to be the soap opera guy, if you can't be the porn star woman. Just sayin'....

    *braces himself for the massive backlash he's about to receive*

    Ok so what if you are this woman and still can't get anything in return?? Hmmmm???

    That's me!!! I think I just have a dud of a husband! I'm the one that... yeah porn star. Hey I don't look like one but everyone has their own fetish right??? lmao

    Obviously a fake account. These kind of women don't exist. Run for the hills everyone, the computers have become self-aware and are coming for us.
  • kngpin300
    kngpin300 Posts: 7
    Can I still reply even though I'm a chick? I was really tired one week after a very heavy workload had been dumped on my shoulders. I was being cluster****ed by my boss and my boss's boss and my co-workers and my professors at school and everything was spiraling out of control and I was in a very bad mood. Generally I love cooking for my baby and taking care of him, so I imagine he was pretty confused when I met his honest inquiry of, "What's for dinner?" with a lengthy rant about women's rights (which is not something I feel very passionate about, but I wanted to yell at him for something) and I called him all sorts of names (something about a chauvinistic pig...) and then stormed off into my room. (I'm really not proud of this, by the way).
    When I finally emerged from my bedroom, much calmer and ready to crawl back on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness, I didn't get the chance. My man was standing there stirring macaroni on the stove and *wearing my apron*. He had a wig on his head and my reading glasses and one of my necklaces on. The table was set with candles and two diet cokes, and Dean Martin was singing, "On an Evening in Roma," in the background. He said to me, "Honey, I'm so sorry for-"
    And then of course I cut him off with a barrage of kisses.
    Cutest. Thing. Ever.

    It sounds like your man has been watching too many Drew Barrymore movies. Hahaha. Actually, that's pretty hilarious. Love it.

    I would say he has been watching and learning. I feel she is very lucky and and I kinda envious of her having someone who is understancing and thoughtful.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Can I still reply even though I'm a chick? I was really tired one week after a very heavy workload had been dumped on my shoulders. I was being cluster****ed by my boss and my boss's boss and my co-workers and my professors at school and everything was spiraling out of control and I was in a very bad mood. Generally I love cooking for my baby and taking care of him, so I imagine he was pretty confused when I met his honest inquiry of, "What's for dinner?" with a lengthy rant about women's rights (which is not something I feel very passionate about, but I wanted to yell at him for something) and I called him all sorts of names (something about a chauvinistic pig...) and then stormed off into my room. (I'm really not proud of this, by the way).
    When I finally emerged from my bedroom, much calmer and ready to crawl back on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness, I didn't get the chance. My man was standing there stirring macaroni on the stove and *wearing my apron*. He had a wig on his head and my reading glasses and one of my necklaces on. The table was set with candles and two diet cokes, and Dean Martin was singing, "On an Evening in Roma," in the background. He said to me, "Honey, I'm so sorry for-"
    And then of course I cut him off with a barrage of kisses.
    Cutest. Thing. Ever.

    LOL I LOVE THIS!!! I'm totally going to do this if my husband ever gets all grumpy and stuff from work and goes to his room. Buahahahaha.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    What we have to understand is that men and women think differently. When I do something that I think is special for him it's what I thinks is special for him, not necessarily what HE thinks is special and vise versa.

    ie: HE will take my car and gas it up- IF I notice- I think 'ok, he put gas in my car' -.In HIS mind, he was being helpful so that I wouldn't have to stop for gas.
    I will write him a sexy note on the mirror- In MY mind, I was showing him that he still turns me on. He thinks 'what is all of this shiz on the mirror' as he looks around it to shave.

    We have to figure out how to speak our partner's 'language', and do things that THEY will notice, what THEY think is romantic or sexy or a turn on... whatever. So as I learn these things, I try to adapt to HIS way of thinking... leaving healthier snacks by his computer, getting him drinks without asking, hanging out in the office with him while he wastes his time - er, sorry, I mean while he works on organizing his music collection (45,000+ songs NO JOKE) or his photography. I even changed the style of underwear that I wear. Went from thongs (that I think look great in jeans) to cheekshorts because HE thinks they're sexier. And YES, I uhm... 'dance' for him. I don't think I look as good as I could and often feel silly. But HE likes it!! HE sees past the flaws that I can't get out of my head. I don't let him see that I am uncomfortable with it- I just put my mind in another place and do it- (this also goes for trying new things and positions in the bedroom). NOW I'm speaking HIS language... HE gets it.. Since I have been doing more of these things, he tries to do more of the things that I like. Even if it's just sending a sexy text during his busy day, or buying me gift certificates to places that I would want to shop. I've been talking about wanting to become a runner- he brought home a gift card for a new pair of fancy custom running shoes. I never ASKED for them, I had just talked about being a runner. THIS shows me that he IS paying attention to me when I talk. When he sees me excercising, he will come up and hugs me (even though it interupts my pace :grumble: ) and tells me how sexy I am getting. THAT makes me feel good.

    I've figured out that if 'I' can get someone hot and worked up- it I actually gets me HOTTER and MORE worked up....

    It's ALL perspective. Speak MY language men, NOT yours!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    5 years ago I had to do an extensive amount of traveling for work. I had been dating my guy for about 5 months. If I saw something that reminded me of him, I would pick it up and send it to him. Stuff like flaming skull PJ's (he likes death metal), a halloween stuffed ghost that would giggle and laugh every time you touched it (great sense of humor), some HUGE sunflower seeds (his fav snack), and funny post cards from where ever I was. After we bought a house and moved in together I would (and still do) leave post it notes in out of the way places...IN his sock, inside his shoe, on the bathroom mirror, inside the pocket of his jacket... he has kept every one of them. If it is hot out I will go out and open the windows in his car before he leaves for work, in the winter I will start the car and clean off the snow. He NEVER fails to say thanks for what ever I do...take out the trash, do laundry, cook, clean...

    When I was working long hours he would send me texts just to say hi, my bed would be turned down and the matress pad turned on (we worked opposite shifts) when I got home, he would set the timer on my coffee so it would be ready when I got up... He has put roses in my sink and written a note in red toothpaste in the sink bowl, love notes left in my purse, he has popped in at work with a cup of coffee for me, and would randomly bring me dinner at work. He will do dishes, laundry, clean the bathroom, cook and rub my feet....with out being asked or even being hinted at.

    It's the little things that keep it going. If you EXPECT things, you probably won't get them. When you GIVE you get!

    P.S. We have had 1 (ONE) argument in 6 years.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I would say he has been watching and learning. I feel she is very lucky and and I kinda envious of her having someone who is understancing and thoughtful.

    She seems totally lucky. A lot of us women are lucky. And it's usually those of us with realistic expectations who find themselves happy and content. Not those of us who want the Hollywood romance. It goes for men too. If you're looking for perfect, it doesn't exist. And you can't count on someone else to make you happy. That's just not how life works.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Women, stop asking us to be the soap opera guy, if you can't be the porn star woman. Just sayin'....

    *braces himself for the massive backlash he's about to receive*

    Ok so what if you are this woman and still can't get anything in return?? Hmmmm???

    That's me!!! I think I just have a dud of a husband! I'm the one that... yeah porn star. Hey I don't look like one but everyone has their own fetish right??? lmao

    Sounds like to me you ladies need to just stop doing it for them so they know how lucky they have it!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    I only want to be on a pedestal because I put my man up there and I'm tired of staring up at him. :huh:

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