Salt: Americans love it, health experts fear it and foodmake



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I didn't like the last line that women in their 40-50's are not looking at sodium content when looking for healthy food for their families. Most people are not aware of not only the guidlines but the content of sodium in their foods. Most people on this site didn't realize it until they started tracking it. People who care about their families care.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    You're right! I didn't know what sodium was until I joined MFP and now I'm always on the look out for that when I make anything for my family.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I always thought because I never cooked with salt or added it afterwards that I was doing well with sodium as well as the rest of my family. Boy was I blind-sided when I found out what the guidelines were and how much we were actually taking in from pre-packaged/processed foods. It still amazes me sometimes.
  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    I recently started watching my sodium intake too because of being diagnosed with Meniere's Disease. Yeah, HOLY WOW, I had no idea before what our daily max should be. I read every label and measure EVERYTHING now. I have to stay under 1000mg. I really hope the food companies lower the sodium contents in the processed foods because there are A LOT of people out there that will refuse to eat healthier food, they think they are healthy enough already. They don't realize that once they start reducing the sodium they really won't miss it.