Scared to take a day off?



  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    sw = starting weight
    cw = current weight
    gw = goal weight

  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    I feel like i have to rest. At least one day. I feel really tired when i don't and more cranky if my body doesn't take a break. Yesterday was my day off. I went over by 5 calories,but i didn't beat myself up for it. Today i have more energy,i have my waterbottle and when i get home from work,i will workout. Your body will thank you for the rest,and you deserve it. Good luck and your doing an awesome job! :)
  • bwalters82
    bwalters82 Posts: 95
    First of all, isn't it great that you your "problem" consists of you not working out for a day? Congratulations on getting to this point! Days off from the gym will happen, as will sickness and unforseen events. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and positive well being is a life long quest that consists of many ups and down. Continue to enjoy your health, make quality health decisions, and it will all take care of itself. :)
  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    Rest does a body good. It's actually recommended that you take at least a day off of exercising to let your muscles have a chance to rebuild.
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    I have to agree I have a really hard time taking a rest day for the fear that if I take one day off then I will have another and another until I am no longer working out! And that I really don't want to happen. So instead of taking a "rest day" I'll do a stretching or yoga dvd or take the dog for a walk.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. I appreciate it, you guys are the best! It sounds like I do need to take a day off every so often...and perhaps on that OFF day I REALLY need to watch my nutrition intake.

    I so feel like some of you...since I'm on a roll and shedding poundage I fear that I'll get too comfortable or lazy and I'll slack off like I did the last time I had lost 40+ lbs. :embarassed:

    Thanks again!! :bigsmile:
  • runlorirun
    runlorirun Posts: 389
    I have one day that I do nothing, exercise wise. Your body needs some down time. I switch my workouts between Curves and run/walking. Some weeks I really look forward to that one day off, other times, I just want to do something.
  • mykaanderson
    I have learned to listen to my body and if it says a day off then I take one even if I feel guilty for it but in the end I'm ready to get back at it full force and feel better for it. We need rest too or we get burnt out.
  • cszammit
    cszammit Posts: 26 Member
    Im always scared to take a day off because I wont want to start up again!

    me too!!