Just Curious...

Hi there... I was just curious if there is anyone else here that suffers from an illness in which they have to take a medication that causes weight gain?? I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and gained over 100lbs in less than a years time from meds. Last week I put on 4 pounds because one of my medications was causing me to retain water ( my kidneys were not producing like they should). I was really upset about it, because it really works for me. Now, I'm on a new one and I'm not sure what to expect.

So, how do you all deal with your medicines that cause weight gain while you're trying to lose?


  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    If it is the medication causing the weight gain there is not much you can do. Some meds will mess with your hormones or thyroid and there is nothing you can do but ask the doc for a different med, if there is one for the situation.

    But consider....logging everything you eat. The meds or your mental state may be the cause of your overeating...you have to determine which it is. If it is over-eating...then probelm found. If you are eating right but still gaining then talk to the doc.

    I am on zoloft for PPD and the mini-pill for BC. I have still managed to lose weight. There was a recent article debunking the BC makes you gain weight myth. Lots will disagree, lots will agree.

    Anti-depressents are the same. Some have gain as a side effect some have loss. The body chemistry of each individual will determine which antidepressent is right for them.

    I waited 8 months after baby before I finally was in my docs office in tears. I heard so many bad things about zoloft and antidepressents in general. After having gastric bypass 4 1/2 years ago and losing 200+ pounds I sure as heell did not want a med making me gain weight. He told me that if depression makes you eat more...move less...chances are the right med that balances you out will have the opposit effect. If depression makes you not want to eat then the med will bring your appetite back. My weight had done neither through the PPD. I hadn't really lost a lot nor gained at all. I have been on the med only 2 1/2 weeks but have since lost 5 pounds. A fluke maybe but I am finally starting to feel better emotionally.

    GL to you...the best thing is to communicate with your doc and let him know your concerns.