Am I being realistic?

I'm new to this really so hello!

I'm 5ft3 and weight 9st6lbs and am a size 10. I know this may not seem overweight to most people but my frame is small so I feel quite big and 'chunky', and generally uncomfortable at this size.

I have for the past few weeks cut down on my eating, I am trying to have smaller portions, and have breakfast to start my metabolism... I usually have either weetabix (admittedly with a spoonful of sugar) or a Quakers oats sachet with a cup of tea. I am cutting back on my carbs (especially trying not to eat too many late in the evening) and trying to swap rice/pasta/bread etc for wholemeal options. I go to the gym on average 3 evenings a week and usually cardio for about 45 minutes and incorporate exercises for my arms/stomach too.

My question is, am I doing enough to lose weight for my size? I understand it is harder to lose weight if you are close to a healthy weight. I would ideally like to lose a stone and a half in time but I don't want to be unrealistic and be disappointed.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Make sure you input your current weight, goal weight, height & activity level into MFP and then follow those guidelines. Because you don't have much to lose, aim for the 1lb a week marker and make sure you're eating those calories. Too many people are under the misconception that eating less = weight loss. You need to eat the recommended amount + your exercise calories and you'll be successful. Also, if you're looking to tone and get rid of the "chunk" make sure you're incorporating strength training into your routine. You'd be surprised how much it can really tone you up.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I am not sure of your exact weight as I am not familiar with a "stone" but I am 5ft 1 and weighed 135 (my highest ever, except when pregnant) and felt so large. I managed to lose 3.5 pounds in my first month on here. I am mostly aiming to tone up and get rid of some belly and leg flab. I had been working out pretty hard at the gym for months and not lost an ounce, and realized after joining mfp that I was just eating too much. I think you are being realistic and can do it, just follow the calorie guidelines pretty carefully on here:wink:
  • jmariep
    jmariep Posts: 4 Member
    I am 132lbs... this site seems quite confusing to me because I've only ever used the app on my phone. Seems to be a lot going on on these boards though so I'm hoping I'll be able to get on track and stick to it with the support. :)