Increasing Cals???

jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I recently read a fascinating article about putting your body into starvation mode by not eating enough calories. I know without a doubt that this is me.. that this has been me for years. I do understand that changes take time and dedication, but I am so terrified of eating more calories. What if it makes me gain and I still can't lose (I already can't seem to lose, which I understand could be not taking enough calories in the first place). According to the article, I will be able to lose once my metabolism recovers. I have spent so so long thinking that if I just ate less, and exercised more I'd get somewhere.

I guess I'm asking for support on this, suggestions of how to increase calories without increasing fat/sodium/carbs. I need someone to tell me that this is going to work.....


  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    I went from 1200 cals to 1500 and I am losing more weight now than I did at 1200. At 1200 I was going up 3 lbs down 3 lbs up 2 lbs down 2. I wasnt really going anywhere. Now at 1500 my weight is constant at the weight or go it goes down none of the bouncing around like it was
  • bbangma
    bbangma Posts: 1
    Try eating high protein foods like chicken breasts (Tofu if your a vegetarian), protein shakes, etc. This usually works. You are putting in more calories but your body is giving itself a workout by working hard to break them down.:wink:
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
    I do not have an answer for you but I can relate to every word in what you have wrote. I keep reading about this and it just scares me so much to eat all calories. They even say your supposed to eat the calories that your are working off through exercise! This just scares me to death! But I am trying to eat all 1200 calories per day...and I guess we'll see if it works! I am going to friend request you :)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I went from 1200 cals to 1500 and I am losing more weight now than I did at 1200. At 1200 I was going up 3 lbs down 3 lbs up 2 lbs down 2. I wasnt really going anywhere. Now at 1500 my weight is constant at the weight or go it goes down none of the bouncing around like it was

    I Agree! I was at 1200 calories and bumped it up to 1330-1400. I usually zig zag to shake things up a bit.
  • booboocraig
    booboocraig Posts: 21
    I too never ate enough hence why my body kept hold of my fat !!

    I eat around 1,450 calories a day (and have done since January) and no more than 45g of fat per day......

    You need to eat more calories as if you eat 1,200 or less a day your body is in starvation, hence you will not lose and if you do its very slow....

    don't add salt to your foods, make sure you make fresh meals as much as possible....drink plenty of water , I drink around 4 litres a day......I also drink green tea which is good for weightloss

    You really need to eat more or you are fighting an already losing battle i'm afraid

    Let me know how you get on ..........btw you won't put on weight if you exercise a lot of those calories back off....I tend to burn more than I eat....I exercise 5 days a week


    Sharon :)
  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
    I do not have an answer for you but I can relate to every word in what you have wrote. I keep reading about this and it just scares me so much to eat all calories. They even say your supposed to eat the calories that your are working off through exercise! This just scares me to death! But I am trying to eat all 1200 calories per day...and I guess we'll see if it works! I am going to friend request you :)

    I was saying the exact same thing this morning, happy to see someone else is doing the same thing as I am...but not sure if it is the "right" thing to be doing?!?
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    I increased my calorie intake from 1200 to 1500 per day when I couldn't get the scale to budge. I had also started doing cardio 4-5days a week (and weight training 2-3 days a week) and I think my body was just starving. Now that I've bumped up the count, I'm starting to see results and I can tell my metabolism is changing big time.

    Good luck! You can doooo it!:bigsmile:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Please read this link -

    it's all clearly explained.
  • How about 'jump-starting' your some higher calorie days (say 15001600) and some lower calorie days (1200/1300). How much are you exercising, and do you do cardio & weight training? If increasing cals, that doesn't mean eating cookies and chips (you prob. already know that!)...but lean protein (chicken, tuna, beans, tofu), 'healthy' fats (avacado, olive oil)...
    also, google zigzagging...very popular right now.
    Just some thoughts...
    good luck!
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