How often do YOU weigh yourself?



  • Mldewey
    Mldewey Posts: 1
    Twice a day. At night before I go to bed and first thing in the morning. it is frustrating at times but it also motivates me when I see a way or another.
  • Q9S7
    Q9S7 Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with the statement of 'daily weighing = depressing'. I would suggest weekly or bi-monthly as you stated. In my opinion, bodyweight changes far too much in a 24hour period to be an accurate measure of net loss or gain. Remember, from focus comes growth (or loss in your case ;); weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    I weigh everyday. I have found that a gain the next day accurately reflects a day of poor food choices the day before. I don't get upset about what the scale says everyday though... I just use it as a learning tool of what my body does and doesn't like.

    Every Sunday I weigh and compare it to the Sunday before.... That is when I get happy or sad. LOL
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    Since it's more reliable to weigh before I eat or drink anything, I do it in the mornings when I have time and remember. Sometimes it's everyday (like now b/c I'm seeing how well the MFP maintenance calories actually work for me), sometimes I'm just too busy and I'd rather make a healthy breakfast or squeeze in a bit of a workout in the morning than remember to hop on the scale. I know it doesn't take long, but I will also have the urge to do all my measurements if the scale is being a prick.

    Anyway, I think you know yourself best. If you feel you need specific days for weighing in, try it and see how you feel about it. There's no rule. It's just what works to keep you informed and your morale up. For example, my rule for logging my weight is only when it goes down; if it goes up for no more than 2 lbs, I don't care it's just fluctuations (sodium, water, not enough sleep). More than that I log and start to worry.
  • Tracey_Smith
    Tracey_Smith Posts: 199
    Over the past few days it feels like I'm getting weighed every 2 minutes. If I'm focused it's normally daily, first thing in the morning before food or anything.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Daily, but I only 'weigh in' once a week, same day after I get up, and I don't let the day-to-day fluctuations get me down.. no point in that...I do daily more to monitor that I'm staying within a good weekly range...

    Exactly what I do.
  • calidon
    calidon Posts: 1
    Every morning. For better or worse. It helps me calibrate intake of calories and weight. I am approaching goal weight. I want to keep it off, and I feel that if I know how much I eat (calorie wise) and how it affects my weight, I will do better at the end of my weight loss and graduate into weight maintenance. I am usually within 5 to 10% of my caloric goal everyday, and I am exercising some and losing weight.
    I don't see the scale thing as depressing, but a challenge. You know that you will reach your goal weight, no matter what. It is a long term thing, not just a momentary whim. The scale is a tool, use it as often as you want.
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    I weigh myself every morning, after I use the bathroom, before I eat or shower. My official weigh-ins are every Saturday. But I'm thinking of changing that to once a month, too discouraging sometimes!
  • krisrael
    krisrael Posts: 15
    Every morning before I get in the shower. It is a bit of an addiction, and I know fluctuations are normal, but I find it helps keep me accountable. If I see the scale start to creep back up, I know I need to work harder that day.

    I do the same. It's helping me to keep on track!
  • crashta
    crashta Posts: 72
    I weigh myself almost every morning, I find that it keeps me in check food wise. I write it down on Tuesdays & Fridays and once I know for sure that I have infact lost at least 1 full pound, I update my profile here on MFP. I also take measurements every 3 weeks. I noticed that I plateaued for awhile with the muscle that I gained from the strength training. Now I just need to give up sweets, I am sooooo glad summer is coming cause I am going to eat a lot of watermelon! Bye bye cookies!
  • minnesotamama
    minnesotamama Posts: 38 Member
    Oooh, I'm addicted to my scale. I weigh myself every morning and usually at night, too. I can tell a huge difference at night when I've made bad food choices throughout the day and seeing that reminder right before bed motivates me to make better choices the next day. Also, if I ignore my scale for days/weeks, my weight creeps back up because it's not keeping me accountable.
  • vadaadams
    vadaadams Posts: 1
    every friday morning & friday morning only. friday is also my treat day. for supper i can have anything i want. then start over saturday morning. its worked for me!
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    i weigh every day for the following reasons:

    A. It keeps me on track. i can see trends before it's too late (like 20 pounds too late)
    B. The number on the scale is just a number, just information. It shouldn't hurt. seeing that number every day reminds me of that.
    C. i can't seem to remember to weigh consistantly if it isn't every day.
    D. it IS and addiction!

    I read a book called the Beck Diet Solution. She suggests weighing everyday in her second book for these reasons and because people usually do anyway when they are dieting.
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    I get weighed in every Monday at my gym. When I did weight watchers I weighed myself constantly to where it was almost an obsession. So I would say once a week or every two! I think once a day is way to much!
  • antonio823
    antonio823 Posts: 298 Member
    I try to weigh myself once a week but every now and then I become curious and hop in the scale during the week. I don't let it scare me because I know I'm a work in process. Personally I believe it helps me to focus a little more on my calorie goal.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    Once a day right when I wake up. When I use to do it once a month and once a week I would gain. Daily fluctuations don't bother me bc I know they happen. I record when I lose.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    I usually weigh every day, int he AM, after I potty and exercise, but before shower and eating. . .and I always mark a lose in MFP. . why? It gives me goals to beat that number. . .doens't matter if its a 10th of a lb, it goes in. . .I will sometimes hop on the scale at night just for a whim. . .

    I feel that doing it daily keeps me mroe accountable. . .helps me stop bad days from going into bad weeks. . .
  • numnumnums
    numnumnums Posts: 45 Member
    once a week on Mondays - first thing in the morning b4 i eat or drink anything, and after i go P.P. I used to be a more every few days kind of person , but this way is better because you can see your progress better and don't get freaked out by all the little fluctuations.
  • erinnicolette
    Same here!
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Monday morning, after showering, in underclothes. I have found that given pretty consistent diet from day to day, my weight still fluctuates within a 3-4 pound range over about a 3 day cycle, so it's much less depressing for me to just see longer term.