


  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I have issues with food also so I have started buying the prepackaged meals...that way the portion size is correct. I love Lean Cuisine meals and also Healthy Choice. I'm kinda lazy with the finding the right stuff and cooking it right so it works out for me. Also, I started buying veggies and fruits and when I want to munch on candy or junk I grab the healthy stuff instead. I have also taken up gum chewing...when I want something I shouldn't have I get the strongest minty gum I can find and chew it cause then it makes everything else taste yucky! LOL! Whenever I get the urge to eat and its not time I down a full glass of water and it curbs my appetite. Hopefully there is something in this thread that can help you out :happy: Good luck!! You CAN do it!!:flowerforyou:
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    Try to make healthier versions of the foods that you like. Use low fat cheeses, whole wheat grains, low fat dairy, lean meats, artificial sweeteners (I can just hear the people getting ready to flame me for that one), decrease the sodium. If you love pizza, make it with low fat cheese, whole wheat crust, turkey pepperoni and whatver veggies you like. If you like burgers, use ground turkey and fat free mayo and low fat cheese, if you like pasta, use whole grain pasta. If you love dessert, stick to ONE a day and make it a lower cal choice--like skinny cow ice cream. Just try really hard to take each thing you like ingredient by ingredient and make better choices for each ingredient. Then, overall, the entire dish will be healthier. :drinker:
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    What are spray butters? Are they healthier or something?

    In the supermarket isle (Usually) above the butter - there is liquid butter in a spray bottle... spritz or 2 on my everything thin bagels, waffles..... you name it. You have the butter flavor without a whole pats of butter!!!

    I can't believe it not butter makes it along with others....

    good luck!

    were all here for you!!!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    Since you've gotten some great suggestions on food substitutions, here's another form of substitution that I think will benefit you even more.

    Instead of:
    "I'm resigned. I'll just be one of those people who is overweight forever."
    "I'm committed to this weight loss journey. It won't come overnight, but I can break up with my fat, one good decision at a time. I will get there."

    Instead of:
    "I won't like it. It's healthy." (This is usually fear of the unknown talking.)
    "I get a chance to try something new! I bet I can find something to like about (fill-in-the-food)."

    A lot of weight loss is a giant head game. Have you looked in the mirror and taken some time to envision what you're body might look like w/o the excess weight? Or how much better you might feel? Or how much more energy you might have?

    All of those things are achievable. They are NOT out of your reach (unless you decide they are).

    It's a long road, but if you keep your head in the game, you can reach your goals.

    Here are 3 assignments I'd suggest:

    1) Navigate away from Stinkin' Thinkin' (as my dad calls it). Journal your private thoughts - even if it's just a scribble on a note pad. You journal your food here, but what about your negative, counter productive thoughts? (It's proven that happy people lose weight more quickly). For each one you write down, flip it to something that will help you with your goal. For me, I call then "break ups". For example, I hate my belly. When I start thinking down about my belly/myself (because it's part of me) I switch it to a "dear John" thought - only about my belly. Such as "Dear belly, we've had some good times. lots of laughs. You've always stretched to accomodate any new food I've thrown at you. But your time has passed. As a baby, you were cute. Now, well, I've out grown you. I understand it make take a while for this to sink in, but I just can't let you run my life anymore." Funny - I know, but it feels pretty empowering to me! Get those negative feelings about your image out on paper and AWAY from you.

    2) Decide what is more important to you - short term happiness (aka eating something that fits your current taste preferences) or long term happiness (living a long, energetic, and healthy life, free from painful joints, shortness of breath, diabetes, hypertension, etc). Sometimes you can have both - like Skinny Cow, but the majority of the time you'll have to choose what best fuels your body (veggies, fruits, meats, prepared in a healthy fashion). You can not change your body without changing your habits. No change happens overnight, but every decision is a step toward (or away) from your overall goal. And you'll find as you eat cleaner and get away from bad habits, the weight WILL fall off, you'll gain energy, and your tastes will change. You'll enjoy more of the subtle flavors, and the peace of mind that you're doing something good for your body.

    3) Make it an adventure! Instead of thinking of all the foods you'll miss, why not think of all the money you'll save?! Buying fresh usually turns out to be cheaper in the long run and better for your body. You consume less when you meet your body's needs and only eat when you're hungry. Make an adventure of scouring local fruit stands and Farmer's Markets! Spend time to read labels in the grocery store. Buying fresh my SEEM more expensive, but most people end up SAVING money when they don't have their trigger foods around to overeat on. Start a scrapbook full of new ideas for cooking. Whatever inspires you, do it! You deserve it!

    I think fear runs the lives of far too many of us overweight folks. Fear of change - of the unknown. It's true, you could start and fail a million times before you're truly prepared to make the changes you need to make.

    I have no doubt that you can do it! Start with small substitutions and tell those thoughts of failure that they are not welcome here!
  • Tanya761
    Tanya761 Posts: 146
    You can friend me and look at my dairy if you want. I am in no means perfect, and I have been "on again, off again" plenty of times, so there isn't much except for the last week, but here are some examples of what I may have during the day:

    1 egg and 1/2 cup egg beaters scrambled with 2 wedges of light Laughing Cow Cheese. I add powdered garlic, parsley and pepper for flavor. I pair this with a serving of fruit.

    Oatmeal made with water and soy/almond milk. Mix in strawberries or other berries, or brown sugar Splenda.

    Egg White omlette with deli meat, small amt. of cheese, and lots of veggies.

    Yougurt and banana mixed together and a ard boiled egg.

    Sandwich on low cal bread with mustard and tzatziki or hummus-lots of lettuce, cucs, etc.

    Soup with a serving of fruit.

    Pizza-Made on a Sandwich wrap with pizza sauce ( or I used BBQ sauce yesterday for a BBQ chicken pizza), leftover chicken or deli meat, lots of veggies (peppers, spinach, onions, etc), and a smll amt. of cheese.

    I know it is not the healthiest-but a Microwave Dinner (Weight Watchers Smart Ones, Blue Menu, etc)

    Stir Fry

    Baked potato and BBQ'd/grilled/oven cooked chicken breast or pork chop and grilled/steamed veggies (I usually brush a tiny bit of Italian dressing or olive oil and spices, etc on the meat when baking)

    Meatloaf made with Ground Turkey (anything you use beef in, you can use turkey for less fat)

    Some of my favorite low-cal cookbooks are the Hungry Girl ones, and a website I love is

    Good luck, but when it comes down to it, it is all about portion/calorie control and exercise. Like what others have said, try to look for a healthier version of what you love to eat, and you can still enjoy and not feel as deprived.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Since you've gotten some great suggestions on food substitutions, here's another form of substitution that I think will benefit you even more.

    Instead of:
    "I'm resigned. I'll just be one of those people who is overweight forever."
    "I'm committed to this weight loss journey. It won't come overnight, but I can break up with my fat, one good decision at a time. I will get there."

    Instead of:
    "I won't like it. It's healthy." (This is usually fear of the unknown talking.)
    "I get a chance to try something new! I bet I can find something to like about (fill-in-the-food)."

    A lot of weight loss is a giant head game. Have you looked in the mirror and taken some time to envision what you're body might look like w/o the excess weight? Or how much better you might feel? Or how much more energy you might have?

    All of those things are achievable. They are NOT out of your reach (unless you decide they are).

    It's a long road, but if you keep your head in the game, you can reach your goals.

    Here are 3 assignments I'd suggest:

    1) Navigate away from Stinkin' Thinkin' (as my dad calls it). Journal your private thoughts - even if it's just a scribble on a note pad. You journal your food here, but what about your negative, counter productive thoughts? (It's proven that happy people lose weight more quickly). For each one you write down, flip it to something that will help you with your goal. For me, I call then "break ups". For example, I hate my belly. When I start thinking down about my belly/myself (because it's part of me) I switch it to a "dear John" thought - only about my belly. Such as "Dear belly, we've had some good times. lots of laughs. You've always stretched to accomodate any new food I've thrown at you. But your time has passed. As a baby, you were cute. Now, well, I've out grown you. I understand it make take a while for this to sink in, but I just can't let you run my life anymore." Funny - I know, but it feels pretty empowering to me! Get those negative feelings about your image out on paper and AWAY from you.

    2) Decide what is more important to you - short term happiness (aka eating something that fits your current taste preferences) or long term happiness (living a long, energetic, and healthy life, free from painful joints, shortness of breath, diabetes, hypertension, etc). Sometimes you can have both - like Skinny Cow, but the majority of the time you'll have to choose what best fuels your body (veggies, fruits, meats, prepared in a healthy fashion). You can not change your body without changing your habits. No change happens overnight, but every decision is a step toward (or away) from your overall goal. And you'll find as you eat cleaner and get away from bad habits, the weight WILL fall off, you'll gain energy, and your tastes will change. You'll enjoy more of the subtle flavors, and the peace of mind that you're doing something good for your body.

    3) Make it an adventure! Instead of thinking of all the foods you'll miss, why not think of all the money you'll save?! Buying fresh usually turns out to be cheaper in the long run and better for your body. You consume less when you meet your body's needs and only eat when you're hungry. Make an adventure of scouring local fruit stands and Farmer's Markets! Spend time to read labels in the grocery store. Buying fresh my SEEM more expensive, but most people end up SAVING money when they don't have their trigger foods around to overeat on. Start a scrapbook full of new ideas for cooking. Whatever inspires you, do it! You deserve it!

    I think fear runs the lives of far too many of us overweight folks. Fear of change - of the unknown. It's true, you could start and fail a million times before you're truly prepared to make the changes you need to make.

    I have no doubt that you can do it! Start with small substitutions and tell those thoughts of failure that they are not welcome here!

    I think I'm gonna print this out where I can read it every day. BRAVO!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member

    I think I'm gonna print this out where I can read it every day. BRAVO!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I'm glad you found it helpful! Granted, we STILL have to get out of our heads and "just do it" (My Stinkin' Thinkin' has come in the way of social eating. I'm still learning to celebrate WITHOUT food and find different goals for myself.) but it's a LOT easier when you're head isn't in your way. :)

    We gotta learn to turn it from our ENEMY into our ALLY. Easier said than done, I know - I still struggle at times. But what little changes in your head can lead to BIG changes in your life!
  • punkindoesit
    punkindoesit Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you guys sooo much. Just from reading your responses I'm motivated to try something new TONIGHT for dinner. I'm not sure what... but I'm leaning towards some veggies on the grill. I don't really like fish... but maybe I'll try some tilapia. I've "resigned" myself to trying new things. lol :)

    YAY!!!!! You'll LOVE the grilled veggies. If you feel like you still need butter on veggies, try the spray butter that has no calories :). I was looking for a new recipe to try tonight and found one for CHICKEN AND BROWN RICE PRIMEVERA. Below is the recipe and it was AWESOME!!! Even my picky husband went on and on about how it tasted. It was easy to make and really good.

    1 tbsp oil
    4 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut in to strips
    2 cloves minced garlic
    1.5 cups chicken broth
    1 cup broccoli florets
    1/2 red pepper in strips
    1/2 cup diagonally sliced carrots
    1/2 cup sliced yellow squash
    1/4 tsp black pepper
    1.5 cups uncooked brown rice
    1/4 cup parmesan cheese

    Heat oil in the pan then add chicken and garlic. Heat until chicken is lightly brown.
    Add broth, broccoli, red pepper, carrots, squash and black pepper and bring to a boil.
    Stir in rice, return to a boil. Reduce to low heat, cover, simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, let stand for 5 minutes, add parmesan cheese.

    **I also added zucchini to it and it was really good.

    Only 330 calories per serving. You'll love it. It looks like a lot of ingredients, but it's not really and it's quick and TASTY!!!!