There has to be a less traumatic way to lose weight... no ma

ok, so on a normal day for me, binge and all, i usually consumer about 3-5000 calories a day. over the last 7 months, i have gained about 55 pounds. (no wonder). i've always been a big eater, but i am less active and binge much more frequesntly since i started college 7 years ago (graduated last year)

so, i tried the 2400 calorie a day route, and was starving. yesterday i tried the 1900 calorie route with more "filling" choices, and was so hungry, i thought i was going to die. as a result i binged last night and i binged hard. today i tried again with some different food, and lots of green tea, and it did not cut it so again, i binged.

so... my worry is that i ABSOLUTELY HATE BEING HUNGRY!!! seriously hate it. when i was younger we were really poor, and often we didn't have food or money for food, so i got really used to the feeling of being hungry. as i got old and got more money, i made sort of an internal vow to myself, however subconsciously, that i would not let myself feel hunger again. it;s almost like pain to me, it's so unpleasant.

so, that said, do you think if i went from say 3000 calories a day in the first month, and then worked my way down to like 2800 in week 5, 2700 in week 6 and so on, it wuld make the transition more managable? because this pattern is the same pattern that has been happening since was 18. i try a new diet, go on the restricted calories, hate it and then binge. it never stops. i guess it's like going cold turkey. so maybe i can slowly reduce the calories, sortof like being on the patch and it will make it easier to stick with forthe long term?


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    ok, so on a normal day for me, binge and all, i usually consumer about 3-5000 calories a day. over the last 7 months, i have gained about 55 pounds. (no wonder). i've always been a big eater, but i am less active and binge much more frequesntly since i started college 7 years ago (graduated last year)

    so, i tried the 2400 calorie a day route, and was starving. yesterday i tried the 1900 calorie route with more "filling" choices, and was so hungry, i thought i was going to die. as a result i binged last night and i binged hard. today i tried again with some different food, and lots of green tea, and it did not cut it so again, i binged.

    so... my worry is that i ABSOLUTELY HATE BEING HUNGRY!!! seriously hate it. when i was younger we were really poor, and often we didn't have food or money for food, so i got really used to the feeling of being hungry. as i got old and got more money, i made sort of an internal vow to myself, however subconsciously, that i would not let myself feel hunger again. it;s almost like pain to me, it's so unpleasant.

    so, that said, do you think if i went from say 3000 calories a day in the first month, and then worked my way down to like 2800 in week 5, 2700 in week 6 and so on, it wuld make the transition more managable? because this pattern is the same pattern that has been happening since was 18. i try a new diet, go on the restricted calories, hate it and then binge. it never stops. i guess it's like going cold turkey. so maybe i can slowly reduce the calories, sortof like being on the patch and it will make it easier to stick with forthe long term?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Random question....sorry if you've answered it before....

    Are you literally hungry, like the actual NEED food?
    Is it an appetite thing, where you desire to eat?
  • girldeese
    You should do what ever feels right to you. You may not loose as fast but you will loose by cutting the number from whatever you are use to eating. Don't put your typical binge food in the house!! Buy fresh fruits and veggies and pick out sugar free, fat free desserts. Start can't be faulted for that! I mean you are here and persevering, you have to be given credit for that! :wink:

    And only you will know what will make you happy!
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i honestly don't know, but i really think it's a combination. i don't like the sensation of an empty stomach and am not used to even the feeling of a non-stuffed-to-the-brim stomach. i know i have mental issues associated with food, but how can i change my eating if i can't stand being hungry?
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    my house has ZERO bad food in it. the only thing i buy that is not 100% heathly is digestive fibre cookies which are 40 cals each. when i binge i order pizza, go to DQ, order chinese, go to wendy's or stop at the store and buy the food. it's a sickness,a nd illness. a dependency and it's totally my fault, but i need to find a way to do this that is not going to suck, or it wont happen for me. i know from years of trying.
  • girldeese
    i honestly don't know, but i really think it's a combination. i don't like the sensation of an empty stomach and am not used to even the feeling of a non-stuffed-to-the-brim stomach. i know i have mental issues associated with food, but how can i change my eating if i can't stand being hungry?

    This may sound crazy.....but maybe hypnosis?? I know this has helped people out there.....
  • girldeese
    my house has ZERO bad food in it. the only thing i buy that is not 100% heathly is digestive fibre cookies which are 40 cals each. when i binge i order pizza, go to DQ, order chinese, go to wendy's or stop at the store and buy the food. it's a sickness,a nd illness. a dependency and it's totally my fault, but i need to find a way to do this that is not going to suck, or it wont happen for me. i know from years of trying.

    So allow yourself to go once in a while.....say once a day even to start? Is that totally nuts?? But then you feel you are still getting out there??
  • obliged
    obliged Posts: 465
    i honestly don't know, but i really think it's a combination. i don't like the sensation of an empty stomach and am not used to even the feeling of a non-stuffed-to-the-brim stomach. i know i have mental issues associated with food, but how can i change my eating if i can't stand being hungry?

    i would suggest going to a therapist or something like that for the mental issues associated with it,
    but yes that plan sounds like a good idea to me, it cant hurt to try it
    good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • PhotographerOfNature
    Absolutely. I think shrinking your calories a little at a time may help. You should definitely try to eat the 6 meals a day thing so that you are never hungry. Split your 2500 calories up between 6 meals. It's worth giving it a good try. Good idea! Pat yourself on the back for coming up with a new idea to help yourself become healthier! :drinker:
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
    E ~ You are taking the first step by being here... That being said, maybe it is a combination of those things. I would highly recommend you not only journal your foods, but what you are feeling along with the motivation for eating. This may help just a bit. In the mean time, keep in mind that you are doing great - you are losing pounds, but most of all you are using the site for support. KUDOS!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I was just curious, cause I've noticed several posts of yours were this is a major struggle.
    Our appetites are being fed when we get to that filled to the top sensation (where we just eat to eat), natural hunger has been satiated way before then. Also, appetites are developed they are not something innate. It's like when you are growing up and people tell you to clean your plate, even though you are full. They are creating a problem cause they are shifting from satisfied hunger to feeding the appetite, which is a big thing on throwing off kids natural eating patterns.

    Anyway, I was babbling....
    I think, if that is how you need to handle this journey, then taking small steps is the way to go. However, I would start shifting what types of foods you are consuming. I don't know what you eat to run up the calories as high as you mentioned, but taking a look at the TYPES of food you are "binging" on and start eating healthier. Even if you still are consuming 3000 calories, at least make a good chunk of those healthy. See what happens.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Would eating every hour on the hour help? Small meals, low cal, high protein, filling stuff and lots of it.

    BTW, I don't go hungry either. Even if I bust my calories for the day, if I am hungry, I eat. But I try to eat "healthier" items like carrots and hummus, or rice cakes, or a banana. Not necessarily low cal items, but still healthier than a candy bar or bag of chips.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Go with what feels right for you. Tons of people told me to quit smoking cold turkey - it's what worked for them - didn't work for me. I'm a little at a time person.

    Good luck!
  • stacystar
    stacystar Posts: 175 Member
    e--I understand where you are coming from--it almost feels as though someone else takes over your body and it isn't really you eating the food and you are just along for the ride. It becomes an obsession for me--thinking about how, where, when I can get my fix. You turn around and a whole large pizza is gone and you have no idea where it went.

    My advice (as was others) talk to some one who is trainned in eating disorders. You'll more than likely find out what it is and why it is--and they wil point you in the direction you need to go. Food is a hard drug of choice.

    Just know there are all kinds of people here who know what you are going through and love and support you always.
  • tonianne98
    Hey there - you're doing great just trying! It sounds cheesy, but you are. Recently, I started trying to eat at home more often in order to maximize spending on groceries versus restaurants and also making better food choices. The problem is - my house has ONLY healthy food. That leaves me no way to cheat at all! And let's face it, we all need to cheat every now and then. So, when we're feeling too lazy to cook or want something that isn't wholly healthy, we go out. Maybe you should try having just a few cheat foods in your house so that you know you can get something every now and then. You have to be careful to not eat all the bad for you food at first, but it will help even if you cheat once a day.

    Also, cutting back on your calories is good, but you can't go too low (like 1900). You have to know your weight and BMR (basal metabolic rate). It's a pretty generic formula to fill out. ( ). It tells you how many calories you should consume in one day to maintain your weight - given you don't move at all. If you want to lose a healthy 2lbs/week, then reduce that number by about 400 calories. As you lose weight, your BMR should go down.

    Of course, this calculator isn't super specific - but should give you an idea of where you are.
  • OomarianneoO
    OomarianneoO Posts: 689 Member
    ....I think, if that is how you need to handle this journey, then taking small steps is the way to go. However, I would start shifting what types of foods you are consuming. I don't know what you eat to run up the calories as high as you mentioned, but taking a look at the TYPES of food you are "binging" on and start eating healthier. Even if you still are consuming 3000 calories, at least make a good chunk of those healthy. See what happens.

    I was just thinking the same thing. Plus you could divide your calories into five or six meals like someone else said. Don't beat yourself up too much. The fact that you are aware of what you're doing to yourself and acknowledge the fact that it's not good for you, is great. Whatever you do, don't give up on yourself! :flowerforyou:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Good point tonni, I mean I always have a stash of things I crave....
    I keep chocolate in the outdoor freezer.
    Lean cuisine pizzas....cause I LOVE pizza.
    I get 100 Cal packs in things like cookies and doritos....but only eat them when I crave them, which isn't so much anymore.

    A little stuff in the house isn't bad. I am all about not depriving myself. Which lots of people don't like my attitude. It may take me longer to lose weight too. I figure if eating better is my lifestyle til I die.... on occasion, I am gonna work in some chocolate and pizza.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    That's a great idea! You could also incorporate a lot of salad/veggies to increase the bulk that enters your stomach. Hunger is partly mental (appetite--that sounds yummy so now I want to taste/eat it), partly hormones (hunger-my body fat is producing hormones and/or my blood sugar is somewhat low so I am feeling physical hunger), and partly nerves (more extreme hunger-- my stomach is empty and the nerves in the lining are causing my brain to release hunger hormones and my blood sugar is probably pretty low). By filling your stomach with lettuce, celery, and cucumber, (all of which have very few calories)you can help negate the sensation of hunger, so at least you're not battling all 3 sources.

    If it is a serious problem, you could consider visiting a doctor for an appetite suppressant. It would be a really good idea to maybe talk to a therapist to help get the mental part under control as well.
  • tonianne98
    Chubby Bunny and I seem to be on the same page!

    So, not to beat a dead horse, but we are here to LIVE! Food is not an enemy. We just have to grow healthy relationships with it. It's not bad to eat pizza, chocoloate, or whatever your food of choice may be (my crux is wine!). We just have to learn moderation.

    Cutting back your calories severely is not moderation - it's torture. Someone else said in this thread that there are those who can go cold turkey and those who can't. I'm of the frame of mind that very few people can go cold turkey and maintain that as a LIFESTYLE. SO, start small now. Change regular pasta to whole wheat (same with bread, pita bread, brown rice). Hopefully, you like how those taste just as much as their evil white twins =).

    Ultimately, this isn't just weight loss, but a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain; not one that forces you to binge.

    Sorry for the preaching - home and bored tonight!
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    you guys are the best! thanks for all of the tips i'll keep on truckin!