How long have you struggled with your weight?

Hey all, I'm new here! I'm 21 and I've been struggling with my weight for almost my entire life. I get frustrated easily, and I know that's not good but it happens. I've never really had any friends who understood what it's like to be overweight so that also makes losing weight difficult- no support. I'm married and my husband is deploying soon, I'd love to have a total body transformation over the next year and surprise him when he comes home! I want to be toned and in perfect shape, and a year is plenty of time if I don't give up. I just haven't found anything that works for me, so I'd love suggestions. Also, it seems like since the weight has been accumulating for so long, it's never going to go away- the dreaded flab, ugh. Arms, legs, back.. STOMACH.. I need to tone it all! How long has everyone struggled with their weight? And is this accumulating flab ever going to be perfectly toned? I just have this fear of having to resort to surgery (lipo, tummy tuck..)