Looking for friends who are focused on recovering from food

kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
Hey all - I am so happy to be a new member of MFP. It seems like there is so much love and support here, and I think it might be one of the key elements to me losing this weight. Over the last year I've realized a few things and I'm looking for some friends who are sort of in the same place on their weight loss journey:

1) weighing myself completely derails me. The number on the scale is never what I want, and I "give up" because "what's the point of all this when it's not getting the exact results I want?" and I end up bingeing. Even if I was feeling really great about myself just minutes before I stepped on that scale. And what I've learned is, it's more important for me to be happy with the way I look and listen to my body than it is to weight a certain number.

2) I'm a complete food addict, (duh, I'm guessing the vast majority of us are), and I'm working on recovering from emotional eating. I'm doing a lot of reading up on food addiction and I need positive, supportive people who are interested in the psychological and emotional aspects of weight loss more than just the physical. I would love to create a little support group, because I think it's important to help each other through this!


  • destinationparadise
    Hi, I totaly unserstand what your going through with food addiction. It is a hard thing because we have to eat so the temptation is always there. I hope this site will help you with your weight loss. Good luck!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Sent friend request.

    I am a foodie and the sister of a phenomenal chef. So food is my love and my vice.
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 91
    I'm an emotional eater myself. Looking for support as well. Would love to help each other out. Add me if you like! :-)
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    Hi :)

    I'd love to join this group please :smile:

    I have the same issues and while I think I have the 'number on the scale' one under control, I am a heavy emotional eater. It can be any emotion, good or bad, and I want to eat. I'm particularly bad at night time snacking too!

    What have you been reading up on, for the food addiction? I'm reading a book called 'body clutter' which is very good! I'll give you a link for amazon and you can see what you think :) The link will be for the UK amazon (cos thats where I am) but I'm sure you'll find it on the US amazon too!


    Thanks for starting this topic! :flowerforyou:

    Ales xx
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Hey, and welcome!

    First of all, try not to get so discouraged when you weigh yourself. The scale isn't going to move every day, but you are always losing inches and if you are working out, the muscle density may deceive your scale numbers. Binging after being discouraged is definitely a common problem, but you have to realize that the weight didn't come on in a couple of days, and it won't come off in that amount of time!

    What you said you have learned is great! It is definitely better to focus on how your body looks and feels, and not on a number on a scale.

    As for your support group idea, I think that's great! Feel free to add me as a friend. I log in every day and am very motivated to finally get what I want!
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    I would love to join this group and am going through this right now!!! I've had a terrible day and all I want is to curl up with a burger and just make the world go away - or is it Taco Bell that I want? - No! Chinese food! Luckily, since I couldn't decide how to blow my day, I had the lunch that I had already packed. It also helped that I worked out this morning and didn't want to throw away all of that hard work on something(s) that I know I shouldn't be eating.
  • merit_decrease
    Hey kmp,

    I am also a new member fighting food addiction and need plenty of support - I have the exact same problems with doing well for a few weeks and then suffering setbacks. Would love to share some tips and support. I'm not sure if I am so much of an emotional eater, but stress definitely makes it worse and I definitely eat to relax.
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    You know when you use the excuse " I can't help it , but I just need to have it". I have used that time and time again.It's a vicious cycle. I lose 15 pounds in a month only to gain 25 the next and on and on the treacherous cycle goes.One week i'll stick to <600 calories per day and then something happens and I'm back on 3000 calories/day without even realising it.

    I am a definite binger...hard to admit, in fact downright awful to admit,but it is what it is.
    Either one chooses to continue to suffer or do something about it,hence my presence and everybody elses on here. Always here for a chat or a dose of realism when things get rough :)

    Good luck.
  • CarolAnnW69
    CarolAnnW69 Posts: 3 Member
    I sent you a request. Would love to be there for you too!
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    You know when you use the excuse " I can't help it , but I just need to have it". I have used that time and time again.It's a vicious cycle. I lose 15 pounds in a month only to gain 25 the next and on and on the treacherous cycle goes.One week i'll stick to <600 calories per day and then something happens and I'm back on 3000 calories/day without even realising it.

    I am a definite binger...hard to admit, in fact downright awful to admit,but it is what it is.
    Either one chooses to continue to suffer or do something about it,hence my presence and everybody elses on here. Always here for a chat or a dose of realism when things get rough :)

    Good luck.

    Can I ask why you're only eating <600 cals on a regular basis?