Caloric Rant

Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
edited September 27 in Chit-Chat
Okay, I know all of our intake is different. I know as men and women we require more or less. That as people, we require more or less. I guess I am just feeling frustrated today. I know that I am trying to maintain a gentle weight loss. Nothing super aggressive, perhaps a half pound a week. I've upped my caloric intake to match my BMR as opposed to allowing MFP to just assign me 1200 calories. Still, I see men left and right accomplishing eating under their caloric intake by 100's of calories. And they are assigned 2500 calories a day. Sigh. I read one diary where a guy ate 400 calories worth of ice cream and peanut butter as a snack. That is 1/4 of my calories in a day. I know we are all different, I know our needs are different. I just wonder if I'd be happier eating with a bigger caloric window and less stressed. I just find myself saying, "Boy, if I eat this, dinner is going to be tiny!". It's frustrating. And I know it's all relative. Still, wow, if I had 2500 calories a day to play with, I'd happily eat hummus in the middle of the day and not worry about dinner that night. Will I EVER get to a point where I will be satisfied? Or will I always find myself hungry for more?


  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Esercise and get more calories to eat.

    When I feel like I need to eat, eat, eat...I add exercise in...sometimes several times a day just to be able to get what I want.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I agree. I try to eat clean but honestly I don't worry so much about calories because I will burn them in my workout. What concerns me is sodium and sugar.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I understand how fustrating it can be to stay around 1200...I know I adjusted my calorie intake to 1330 plus excercising gives me more calories. I also know many people stick to the whole "1200" calorie diet but it really depends on an individual basis and listening to your body is key. Now I'm not saying eat all day and splurge into 2000 calories, just make sure to eat healthy and drink plenty of water.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Few things you are going to have to accept but def not a constant

    1. Men tend to have more muscle then women
    2. Men tend to be bigger than women.
    3. Men have more testorone

    So follow me on this Calories = Fuel and it muscle burn more fuel and the bigger you are the more fuel you need to run the body, testorone allows you to heal faster, burn fat quicker, so women tend to get less calories cause in theory need less fuel
  • Yeah just do as much exercise as you want to be able to eat what you want...within reason of course. I am a bigger guy so I eat a lot and need a lot of protein. So I bust my *kitten* in the gym to be able to eat all the extra food that is above my MFP intake for the day. Especially on weekends, when it is nice out, I spend the day being active with my dog. In return I get to eat a lot of yummy yet healthy food.

    Just a note though, this works for me or at least over the last month it seems to work for me. So take what I say carefully because I am not a guru by any means!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I agree it can be frustrating!! When I'm at work and by the time I've at breakfast, lunch and a snack, I don't have enough calories left for dinner so I have to literally work (out) for my dinner lol. I've been here now for a few months and my body has adjusted to the lowered caloric intake and I'm no longer starving. Try eating at least 2 low calorie, high protein snacks in between meals. Greek yogurt is great and also Emerald unsalted or cocoa roast almonds in 100 calorie packs. They are both very filling. Your body will adjust to the changes and you will do fine:) Good luck to you on your journey~
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Calories are like money...if you can't manage what you have, more will not make it better, it still won't be enough. I don't know your BMR but 1500 Calories are a LOT of calories if you are eating Healthy most of the time, and there is room for "treats" to be strategically factored in. I am doing 1300 calories and that is PLENTY for Me and I am NOT a light weight. You can have treats (400 calories worth of ice-cream if you choose) just Plan for it, I eat (1 or 2) McD ice cream cups or something similar usually once a week. It just takes Planning not unconscious eating.

    Maybe rethink What you eat...this is about a "Lifestyle Change around food" not a diet, so what you have become accustomed to eating may need to change.
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    At first glance I though this topic said "Catholic Rant".:laugh:
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    At first glance I though this topic said "Catholic Rant".:laugh:

    That would be a "first!" :bigsmile:
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